Adolfo Assor

Adolfo Assor

Nascimento : 1945-01-01,


Adolfo Assor


The Darkness Is A Color
Horst is a hunter trying to stave off the inevitability of aging. Futile, as we all know. Nevertheless, he suffers a crisis of identity about himself, his world, and the forests and glades he so loves. Two days after the disappearing of his gundog Birko, Horst plunges deep into the forest to try and find the wayward pooch, and in doing so, re-immerses himself in his beloved natural world. He hears barking and ploughs on, in search of Birko. Deeper and deeper he goes. What will he discover, deep in the bosky depths?
Ein Sommer in Salamanca
Sesamstraße präsentiert: Alarm im Zirkus
Então, Vou Nessa!
Um famoso comediante e apresentador alemão relata a história dos quase 800 km percorridos por ele pelo caminho de Santiago de Compostela.
Em um clube, Victoria (Laia Costa) conhece Sonne (Frederick Lau), que está no local com seus amigos, e, rapidamente, há uma forte conexão entre eles. Mas o ínicio do romance é interrompido quando o grupo de jovens é forçado a pagar uma antiga dívida. Victoria, impulsivamente, decide ajudá-los e entra no jogo como uma motorista. Mas o que começou como uma louca aventura pode se tornar um pesadelo.Filme internacional, mas com uma historia no mínimo intrigante e cheia de suspense que com certeza é bom conferir.
Urban Explorer
Man in the subway station
Ansiosas para explorar o mundo misterioso escondido sob a metropolitana Berlim, um grupo internacional de quatro exploradores urbanos contrata um guia local, Kris, que os leva para o labirinto de túneis de fuga e fortificações subterrâneas sob a cidade. Quando o seu guia tem uma queda feia, duas das meninas no grupo freneticamente partem para buscar ajuda, enquanto Denis, o jovem norte-americano, fica para trás. Armin, um ex-guarda de fronteira do leste alemão, de repente aparece do nada. De puro desespero, Denis permite Armin para levá-los e seu guia inconsciente de segurança e é nesse momento que Denis percebe que ele acaba de fazer o maior erro de sua vida!
Eleven Uncle
Captain Berlin versus Hitler
Graf Dracula
Based on Tommy Jaud's bestselling novel, this comedy focuses on a dispassionate clerk and his set-backs in life. 29-year-old Simon works in a phone shop, but his thoughts just circle around finding a new girl-friend after being left by his last one year ago. While his Croatian cleaner tries to procure him, his efforts to chat up women in clubs also fail. However, he finds the woman of his dreams (and mother of their future children) in his most hated coffee shop, although not having a clue how to win her heart...
Great is the Mystery of Godliness
When an intergalactic space god shows up in the form of a German potato and turns your teeth into drunken, blathering idiots… it’s time to take the chicken and hit the fire escape. That is… unless you really dig having your domicile over run by dirty pots and pans.
Ultima Thule
A short drama directed by Holger Mandel.
The bell founder
A largely plotless, fado-scored journey through the gloomy cobblestone streets, zombie bars, and fetid basements of a sordid harbor town populated by German-speaking sots and Portuguese guest workers. An unhappy young couple, Leni and Anton, quarrel and split separately into the rat’s ass of the evening. Everyone is looking for love, but no one finds any—although Leni does pick up a trick.
Time of darkness. Time of fire kindled against cold and fear. During the Holy Night, the seven year old Micha has to escape with his young mother Marianne from the violence of his drunken father... During their one week odyssey through frozen Germany, mother and son meet people to offer them shelter... Crushed by their own poverty, or dominated by their feelings of being lost, these people just hurt them deeper and they can be nothing other than stations of their continuous escape
Ein Jahr, zwei Winter