Jean-Chrétien Sibertin-Blanc

Jean-Chrétien Sibertin-Blanc

Nascimento : 1960-10-31, Luxembourg, Luxembourg


Jean-Chrétien Sibertin-Blanc


The monk-guide
O ex-presidente Nicolas deveria estar aproveitando a vida tranquila da aposentadoria. No entanto, ele tem outros planos. Na mira de outra chance, Nicolas tenta convencer outro presidente aposentado, e seu ex-pior adversário, a concorrer contra ele novamente.
O Último Amor de Casanova
Ambassador of France
Casanova, conhecido por gostar de participar de diversão e esbórnia, chega em Londres após deixar o exílio. Nesse novo lugar, ele conhece Marianne de Charpillon, uma moça que o atrai a ponto de fazê-lo deixar sua vida de conquistador de lado.
Vocês Ainda Não Viram Nada
Le secrétaire du commissaire
Antoine d’Anthac, célebre dramaturgo, convoca, depois da sua morte, todos os seus amigos que interpretaram a peça Euridíce. Estes actores têm como missão ver uma encenação desta obra por um novo grupo, a Compagnie de la Colombe. O amor, a vida, a morte, o amor depois da morte ainda têm lugar num palco? São eles que têm de decidir. Mas as surpresas ainda agora começaram…
Coco Antes de Chanel
Filme-biografia que mostra a juventude da estilista Chanel e sua fase de aprendizado, além de sua infância no orfanato, o começo de sua vida como modista antes da glória e seus primeiros sucessos. Uma vida cheia de amores e desaforos, intuição e ousadia, muitas verdades ou apenas fantasias são promessas para o documentário.
H.B. Human Bomb - Maternelle en otage
Monsieur Max
Jean Cocteau
Portrait of a homosexual bohemian who converted from Judaism to Catholicism and was captured by the Gestapo in the 1940s.
Nouvelle chance
Augustin Dos Santos
How do you bring together such different people as Odette Saint-Gilles, an aging, forgotten actress living in a welfare home, Augustin Dos Santos, a pool boy at the Ritz Hotel, Bettina Fleischer, the heroine of a popular soap, and Raphael, a young, disturbingly handsome man? Together, will they have a last chance to make their dreams come true?
Only Girls
Le psychopathe
After a shoplifter finds herself unexpectedly released on parole, she pays a call on the judge at her flat. The judge, Carole Rewinsky, does not tell Tina that her elease was only a clerical error. The two find they share things in common other than the judicial system, like a mutual interest in shoes. Carole allows Tina to crash on her chesterfield... Carole spots a pimp trolling for young girls at a café. Carole failed to put him away the last time, but now, with Tina agreeing to be the bait, she has a chance for better luck... The two find they complement one another well, like champagne and cassis. Carole needs to go to Annecy to crack a crooked casino case. Annecy happens to be Tina's home town... Written by David Carless
Augustin, King of Kung-Fu
The solitary and largely self-contained Augustin (Jean-Chretien Sibertin Blanc), on obscure young actor of bit-parts and advertisements, has but one ambition - to play the lead role in a Kung Fu epic. But hours of Kung Fu practice alone in his room are not enough. Augustin knows he must pack up and start a new life in China... or at least that part of China within bicycling distance: Chinatown in south-east Paris. There he meets Ling (Maggie Cheung), a young Chinese woman who practices ocupuncture, and little by little, Ling's needles awaken emotions in Augustin that his virginal body had never dreamed of. Where will this lead him? To Kung Fu stardom, maybe not, but to another destiny, a quirky but logical continuation of the same dream.
La mémoire est-elle soluble dans l'eau?
At the end of the Second World War, following negotiations with the State of Israel and with Jewish organizations around the world, the German government decided to compensate the Jewish survivors of the concentration camps by offering them a spa treatment every two years. The shooting of this documentary film, which takes place mainly in the town of Evian-les-Bains, features the collective confrontation and respective testimonies of former Jewish deportees, including Solange Najman, the director's own mother.
Uma Garota Solitária
Um dia na vida de Valérie, uma jovem parisiense que começa um novo trabalho em um hotel de quatro estrelas no mesmo dia em que revela ao namorado que está grávida.
Augustin Dos Santos is a benign simpleton with a slight stammer. He's serious about his part-time job as a clerk for an insurance company, and he also acts, with small parts under his belt in commercials and experimental films. An agent finds his serious innocence perfect for a part as an odd bellman. Before his screen test, he volunteers for a day at a hotel. At his screen test, his inability to see the comic center of the scene makes him perfect for the part. Back at work, women co-workers tease him, and then he's off to the countryside to play a vet in a government film about myxomatosis in rabbits. Can anything break through his serious view of reality?
Love Affairs Usually End Badly
Musician who goes to Marseille
Zina, young theater opener, hesitates between the love of Slim, taxi driver who hopes to become a lawyer and that of Frederic, who holds the poster at the theater. Why not keep her two loves?
The Passenger
A commuter suddenly realizes he's mistakenly boarded the express train and desperately tries to get off between stations.
Once Around the Park
Olivier Rateau
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?