Kim Se-young
"Short! Short! Short! 2009" is an anthology film commissioned by the Jeonju International Film Festival (JIFF) to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The film consists of 10 short films centered around the theme of "Money," made by 10 up & coming directors in South Korea.
Department Store Employee
Everybody has a Litte secret gira em torno de Soo-hyun (Lee Byun-heon) e 3 irmãs. Enquanto ele está apaixonado pela irmã mais nova Mi-young (Kim Hyo-jin), ele também tenta seduzir as 2 irmãs dela. A "velha virgem" Sun-young (Choi Ji-woo), e a casada Jin-young ( Chu Sang-mi). As três irmãs são cativadas pela conversa doce de Soo-hyun, e começam a colocar a moral de lado..