Sun Chung

Sun Chung

Nascimento : 1940-11-30,


Sun Chung


Angel Hunter
A detective investigating a student's suicide discovers it is connected to a secret Satanic cult.
City War
Two cops--both partners and best friends--find their friendship and their lives at stake when they try to take down a ruthless drug dealer.
Sun and Rain
Set in the modern city of Shenzhen, an intoverted young woman slowly moves away from her brash boyfriend and, despite her inhibitions, gets a crush on another young teenage woman.
Lady in Black
Kin Seng (Leung Ka Fai) falls into big debts in the gambling house. He persuades his loving wife, May (Lin Ching Hsia), to embezzle a huge sum from working place to save him. They go to Thailand to seek help from Kin Seng's uncle but in vain. On their return Journey, May accidentally falls off the ferry and Kin Seng commits a deliberate murder. [...] What is going to happen next? -From the Fortune Star Legendary Collection DVD summary.
A Vingança do Mestre
Tung Tieh-Cheng, o maior mestre de armas da China, é convidado para treinar os soldados do exército Ching. Em uma de suas primeiras medidas, ele impede seus homens de frequentarem um famoso bordel da cidade, atraindo o chefe de polícia local, dono do estabelecimento secretamente. Em represália, o policial incrimina o filho de Tung por roubo e o entrega para o eunuco do conselho real, que manda o garoto para a castração. Para salvar seu filho, Tung não poupará esforços, o que poderá custar muitas vidas.
A Vingança do Mestre
Tung Tieh-Cheng, o maior mestre de armas da China, é convidado para treinar os soldados do exército Ching. Em uma de suas primeiras medidas, ele impede seus homens de frequentarem um famoso bordel da cidade, atraindo o chefe de polícia local, dono do estabelecimento secretamente. Em represália, o policial incrimina o filho de Tung por roubo e o entrega para o eunuco do conselho real, que manda o garoto para a castração. Para salvar seu filho, Tung não poupará esforços, o que poderá custar muitas vidas.
A Fist Full of Talons
Qing I-ming springs into action to help his friend, who runs into danger while trying to deliver important government documents.
O Lutador Rebelde
Chang Siu Tai ( Alexander Fu Sheng ) é um jovem brincalhão que vive brigando com seu autoritário pai, o repeitado Mestre Chang Tak Tai ( Guk Fung). Ao invés de ajudá-lo em sua famosa clinica, Siu está mais preocupado em passar o tempo com seus amigos e flertando com as garotas. Porém, esse comportamento frívolo é logo colocado de lado quando um grupo de estrangeiros gananciosos mostra interesse por uma valiosa relíquia que está no templo do vilarejo. Para impedir que eles coloquem as mãos no precioso tesouro, Siu se levanta contra os arrogantes recém-chegados. Mas, eles não irão aceitar um "não" como resposta e Siu é emboscado por uma gangue de ninjas assassinos com a missão de " eliminar " o problema. isto o força a tomar seriamente as responsabilidades da familia em suas mãos, e esperando muita ação, marcha para o covil dos bandidos para resolver o assunto em um espetacular e terrivel combate contra os ninjas.
Human Lanterns
A psychotic craftsman pits two rival Kung-Fu masters against each other while designing special lanterns from a disturbing source.
Human Lanterns
A psychotic craftsman pits two rival Kung-Fu masters against each other while designing special lanterns from a disturbing source.
Destiny's Champion
An aging snooker player relives the mistakes of his violent past through a poverty-stricken, streetwise kid.
Destiny's Champion
An aging snooker player relives the mistakes of his violent past through a poverty-stricken, streetwise kid.
Notorious Eight
A group of secret agent gambling heroes put the squeeze on some gangsters who are cheating the public now after having been involved with Japanese war criminals.
Notorious Eight
A group of secret agent gambling heroes put the squeeze on some gangsters who are cheating the public now after having been involved with Japanese war criminals.
Revenge of the Corpse
A story of a coffin maker who tells a story about a policeman who was murdered by his wife and her lover. Eventually released constable loose of some grave robbers, the constables ghost is out to make the lives of all those involved in his death miserable. (A Shaw Brothers production)
Rendezvous with Death
Sun Chung had been recognized as an expert comedy and crime thriller director, but he was to gain even greater acclaim for his soulful, powerful, intelligent, and beautifully-made martial arts epics. This stands alongside The Deadly Breaking Sword and The Kung-fu Instructor as one of his very best. It’s not so much the plot – a master swordsman protects a treasure chest on a dangerous journey – that makes this great, but what Sun does with it, inspiring the cast and crew to some of their finest work.
The Kid with a Tattoo
Wong Yu interpreta Li Bao-Tong, filho de um dono de uma fábrica de algodão. Ele é um garoto ingênuo e indiferente ao desejo de seu pai de que ele aprenda os negócios da família, mas é um excelente artista marcial, graças principalmente às lições que ele recebe de um mendigo que vive secretamente em sua cidade. O que ele não sabe é que esse mendigo (Yuen Bun) é na verdade um policial disfarçado tentando impedir uma empresa local de importação de distribuir um carregamento de heroína. Quando o policial é morto pelos capangas do dono corrupto da empresa (Johnny Wang), Li Bao-Tong tem que usar suas habilidades para levá-los à justiça.
The Deadly Breaking Sword
Leaving behind an inch of sword in the spent corpses of his opponents, Tuan Changqing is known as the Deadly Breaking Sword. After barely surviving a duel, one of his foes is treated by the diabolical Dr. Kuo, who uses his powers of mind control to transform the man into a somnambulistic killer. After Tuan Changqing teams up with Rabelaisian gambler Xiao Dao, the story proceeds as a comical kung fu buddy flick.
O Instrutor da Morte
Em uma pequena cideda dominada e literalmente dividida por dois clãs rivais surge Wong Yang (Ti Lung), o melhor Instrutor de Kung Fu da região, contratado pelo chefe da criminosa familia Mong (Guk Fung)para treinar seus guerreiros e ajudar a eliminar seus terriveis Chows. Wong, como um homem de fortes princípios, logo se recusa a prosseguir com o treinamento dos bandidos, mas acaba cedendo depois que Mong o incrimina por assassinato. Desiludido, Wong passa a ensinar Kung Fu aos membros do clã de Mong e logo conhece o jovem Chow Ping (Wong Yue), membro da familia rival, que passa a treinar secretamente até que é descoberto e capturado pelos Mongs, o que força Wong Yang a finalmente reagir com força total.
To Kill A Mastermind
A powerful crime syndicate known as the Chi Sha clan is a vast network of deadly criminals proficient in martial arts. Growing in number at an alarming rate, the Imperial Court orders Yang Chen-yu and his followers to wipe them out at all costs. Doing this proves difficult as no one knows the identity of the mastermind behind the Chi Sha, not even its own members. Spies infiltrate the organization in an effort to destroy them from within. But then, no one knows who the spies are and after a few ambushes and security breaches, the clan deputies begin suspecting one another of being traitors. With the Chi Sha dwindling in numbers, it's a matter of time before the mastermind must reveal himself.
The Super Kung-Fu Fighter
A bevy of top fighters all fighting to rule the martial world and use the rarest styles ever put on screen. Master Ko, is in possession of a very special sword. A sword that can cut through anything and becomes invisible, it, therefore can easily trick and defeat the enemy. Many people are after this sword. One day, the master gets killed and the sword is stolen.
A Vingança do Águia
Um cruel mestre das artes marciais treina seus discípulos para se tornarem assassinos obedientes. Chi tenta fugir do clã das "Águias Sangrentas", mas seus ex-companheiros partem em sua perseguição. Junto com ele está Cho, cuja família foi assassinada pelos membros do clã. Os dois iniciam uma difícil missão na medida em que derrotam os perseguidores de Chi e retornam ao quartel general do clã para matar seu inescrupuloso líder de cabelos brancos.
Hello Sexy Late Homecomers
A sex comedy by the Shaw Brothers studio.
Godfather's Fury
Hong Kong crime movie from 1978
The Proud Youth
Sun Chung had made a name for himself directing satirical comedies and modern day crime thrillers when he started exploring the kung-fu genre with this fascinating tale which mixes music and martial arts. Revered choreographer Tang Chia leads a great action cast in a tale of conflicting clans and a mysterious song called "The Proud One" which leads to slowly blossoming love as well as sudden death.
Judgement of an Assassin
Sun Chung was already a valued comedy, romance, and modern crime filmmaker, when, through this tale of the 100 Poison Clique's obsessive ambition to destroy all rivals, he started bringing morality and motivation to martial arts movies like never before. Kung-fu superstar David Chiang and prominent choreographer Tang Chia lead the cast in a bloody clan clash centered on the trial of an admitted mass murderer and serial rapist. It was just the beginning of Sun Chung's exploration in emotion.
Fangs of the Cobra
Young man returns from studying abroad to take over management of the large family farm, and falls for the daughter of a tenant farmer. The unique twist is that her pet, best friend, confidante and protector is a cobra - but he hates snakes because his mother was bitten and killed by one when he was a child.
The Criminals, Part 4: Assault
Part 1 : 'Maniac' - A gang is kidnapping and raping young women. Part 2: 'Queen of Temple Street' - A gambling addict sells his wife to a brothel to pay off his debts.
Lady Exterminator
After a sudden spike of supply into the drug ridden streets, staunch anti-narcotics cop hellbent on disrupting the flow of drugs beyond the Golden Triangle recruits the help of an attractive young ex-convict to infiltrate a major Thai based drug syndicate controlled by a ruthless drug lord who's expanded their operations into Hong Kong. As our seductive undercover heroine gets inside and rises the ranks to the top, skepticism also rises as the boss' jealous moll smells a plant.
Big Bad Sis
Ah Ying (Chen Ping) is a former gangster trying to lead an honest life, and occasionally using her fighting skills to help out the girls in the factory where she now works. She befriends young colleagues Chong Lee and Shao Yin-Yin, teaching them self defence because "girls can't be weak anymore". Trouble starts when her old gang finds out where she now works.
The Criminals, Part 2: Homicides
An anthology film featuring four true-crime stories that took place in Hong Kong in the early 1970's.
The Sexy Killer
A nurse decides to take justice in her own hands to fight the crime-syndicates of Hong Kong after her sister is drugged and abused by some local drug dealers.
The Bloody Escape
Gu Hui, a member of the ‘Wolf Head Gang’ becomes unhappy after their new chief decides to abandon their old code of conduct. After the chief kills a travelling family and kidnaps the daughter, Gu frees her and escapes, hiding out in a nearby town and trying to start a new life as a humble shoemaker. Unfortunately, the gang refuses to let him go and put a bounty on his head, forcing him to face up to his responsibilities.
Abortion, birth control and unwed cohabitation are social issues rarely associated with 1970's Hong Kong cinema. Cohabitation not only faces them head on but does so with insight, compassion and sex!
Abortion, birth control and unwed cohabitation are social issues rarely associated with 1970's Hong Kong cinema. Cohabitation not only faces them head on but does so with insight, compassion and sex!
Cheeky Little Angels
shaw production
Honor and Love
Honor and Love is a Hong Kong Martial Arts Film
The Sugar Daddies
During the day, Hu Tien lives as a respectable office employee, but when night falls, he unashamedly plunges headlong into an exciting world of lust and sex as a high-class Hong Kong pimp! Thanks to his uncanny knack for setting up prostitutes with "sugar daddies," Hu Tien starts living the high life. Things take an even more dramatic turn when the drop-dead gorgeous Irene (Betty Pei Ti from The Delinquent and Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan) enters the fray. Thanks to Hu Tien's involvement, this rough and tumble new vixen soon finds herself being the center of attention among all the wealthy sugar daddies. But is his relationship with Irene merely business or is there more to it?
The Devil's Mirror
The Jiuxian Witch and her Bloody Ghouls Clan (somehow you just know that these aren’t the good guys) are planning domination of the Martial Arts world. Standing in their way are two clans who posses a magic mirror each. The two clans enjoy friendly relations, but when one mirror is stolen and the blame seems to rest with the other Clan, suspicions and tempers run high. It’s left to the young renegades from each Clan to find the true culprit or culprits, and to ease the tensions of their families. Not to mention ridding the world of the evil Jiuxian Witch.
The Absurd Brave
The arrest and execution of the head of the outlawed Five Flower sect leaves his four offspring thirsty for revenge! But none of his children are more bloodthirsty than his eldest daughter. She leads her siblings on a murderous trail of vengeance, as they assassinate all of the officials involved in their father's execution, including the local governor. Chaos and lawlessness follow in their bloody wake. Somehow, Wu Liang, the governor's grown son, escapes the murderous wrath of the Five Flowers and finds his way to Master Ou, the absurdly deadly master of the martial arts. Can young Wu avenge his father and protect the public from the deadly Five Flowers when Master Ou treats the whole affair as a game? Find out in this wuxia classic!