Elena Akimova


Na Rússia do século 16, sob o domínio do caos de Ivan o Terrível que acredita firmemente que ele é investido de uma santa missão. Acreditando que ele pode entender e interpretar os sinais, ele vê o Juízo Final aproximando-se. Ele estabelece o poder absoluto, destruindo cruelmente qualquer um que se interponha no seu caminho. Durante este reinado de terror, Philip, o superior do mosteiro nas Ilhas Solovetsky, um grande estudioso e amigo íntimo de Ivan, ousa se opor à tirania mística do soberano. O que se segue é um choque entre duas visões completamente opostas do mundo, esmagando a moral e a justiça, Deus e os homens. Um filme de grande escala com excelentes papéis de liderança de Mamonov e Yankovsky. Uma alegoria da Rússia Estalinista.
Time of joy
In the life of the national artist, actor Vsevolod Fleminsky, a crisis ensued. Advertising, in which you have to shoot, endless photo shoots, television series - all this is like an endless tape, but there are no real roles. And then there was still undisguised greed for his dearest half, and in combination with his agent Svetlana Nikolaevna. And Fleminsky decided to quit. He transferred his small roles to his fellow actors, gave the mobile phone to some monk in the train, and he disappeared at his dacha. However, it turned out that his wife had leased the cottage to a certain trading company. The owner of this company Irina met with hostility the appearance of an uninvited owner. But. .. from hatred to love, as you know, one step, and he was quickly passed by the participants of this duet ...