Andrey Mokeev

Andrey Mokeev


Andrey Mokeev


What Men Talk About 3
This time Lesha, Slava, Kamil and Sasha go to St. Petersburg. And three of the four do not even know why they go there. But at some point it becomes clear that it does not matter - why. It is important that they go.
Patas, Ossos e Rock ’n’ Roll
Nastya é uma garotinha que mora com na casa de sua avó e é dona de dois cães muito inteligentes, a cocker spaniel Yoko e Pirata, um cão sem raça definida (vira-latas). Em férias da escola, ambas planejam uma viagem para visitar seus pais. Ela resolve então, deixar os dois cães num hotel para cachorros, acreditando ser o melhor para os cães. Yoko e Pirata acabam sentindo-se excluídos no hotel e resolvem fugir e voltar para casa, ideia que os alegra muito. A felicidade canina é interrompida quando os picaretas do hotel revelam-se dois ladrões que tentarão roubar a casa da avó de Nastya. Só não contavam que Yoko e Pirata não iriam deixar barato e defenderão a casa com patas, ossos e muito Rock’n’Roll!
Ivan, the police captain, on his day off, which, incidentally, doesn’t often happen to him, went with his wife Sveta to the cinema. Khan, Anna and Sergey also decided to spend the day together. Only they are not going to the movies or just taking a walk. Their time is scheduled in minutes, each step is verified - they intend to rob the collectors. It all started well for the robbers, and everything would have gone as planned if Ivan had not met in the way of the robbers. Khan and Sergey are arrested. But moving away from the persecution, Khan shot Ivan's wife, Sveta. Anna manages to leave.
Cargo 200
União Soviética, 1984. A filha do líder do partido comunista local desapareceu sem deixar rastros ao sair de uma discoteca. Na mesma noite, é cometido um assassinato cruel na periferia da cidade. Ambos os casos são investigados pelo capitão da polícia local.
Shakespeare Could Never Imagine
In a provincial town are waiting for a famous troupe of actors. However, arrived celebrities behave strangely and in preparation for the play with the director arouse suspicion in the "authenticity" arrived ... In the camp of the "actors" his troubles - the only "Prima", whose performance the governor came, himself, runs away with a young hussar to the Gypsies. The evening show, tickets are sold out, and no one to play. On tour to seek "the actress' replacement.
When a story is hard to say, because on planet Earth "has the time", mixed age... Sir Lavoie, a typical scholar-hermit, leave the Capital and went to a colleague in another city. The house is hosting merry trio of servants: the maid, the Dol, the footman Face and the Butler SATL.