Aleksandr Kalyagin

Aleksandr Kalyagin

Nascimento : 1942-05-25, Malmyzh, Kirov Oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR [now Russia]


Aleksandr A. Kalyagin (born 25 May 1942) is a Soviet/Russian actor and director, member of the Public Chamber of Russia, People's Artist of Russia (1983), Laureate of the State Prizes for his works in the theatre and the cinema. He is best known for his roles in the films Hello, I'm Your Aunt! (1975) and Dead Souls (1984).


Aleksandr Kalyagin


Новые приключения кота Леопольда. Лавина с гор
Gogol the Bird
This biographical picture that was made for the 200th anniversary of Nikolai Gogol,is filmed in the unique style of the author Leonid Parfyonov. Documentary shows that the author of "Dead Souls", "The Inspector General" and "Taras Bulba" is not the founder of realism in Russian literature, but a modern and actual avant-garde writer who created works hitherto unprecedented, full of magic and phantasmagoria.
Rud and Sam
Retirees Rud and Sem come into possession of a suitcase full of mob money... a comic adventure ensues.
Бульварный переплет
Lady for one day
Что делать, если жизнь не удалась? Что делать, если от будущего визита жениха — наследника испанского гранда — зависит счастье дочери? Что делать, если отец жениха помешан на титулах и богатстве? Выход один превратиться в богатую леди на день. Уличная торговка Ани с помощью своих многочисленных друзей знакомых не может не справиться с это задачей. В невероятный круговорот событий оказываются вовлечены хозяйка борделя и юный аферист, судья и сам мэр Нью-Йорка. Они разыгрывают перед женихом и его отцом целый спектакль на фоне небоскребов, автомобилей с клаксонами, женских кружевных зонтов и зажигательных джазовых мелодий, и в этом гала-представлении Ани отведена роль настоящей светской львицы…
Прохиндиада 2
Прохиндиада 2
San Sanych Lubomudrov
Ivan & Abraham
In 1930s Poland Christian boy Ivan goes to live with a Jewish family to learn a trade. He becomes friends with Abraham, the son of the family. However, anti-Semitism is rife in their environment, and they flee to escape an upcoming conflict. Journeying together, they demonstrate their inseparability.
The Children of Iron Gods
The films hero is a metal worker named Ignat who is as strong and tough as the steel that his sprawling factory produces in the Ural Mountains. Its a great cheerless environment; life is arduous and dangerous; conditions at the plant are nearly subhuman. The only excitement in the grimy industrial town is provided by robbing a train at gunpoint or stealing sheep from the Bashkiri tribe. The most renowned diversion, however, is the annual fist fight between the strongest metal worker and the strongest miner from the region. Against his better judgment, but with the support of his co-workers, Ignat decides to take part in this perilous venture.
The Children of Iron Gods
The films hero is a metal worker named Ignat who is as strong and tough as the steel that his sprawling factory produces in the Ural Mountains. Its a great cheerless environment; life is arduous and dangerous; conditions at the plant are nearly subhuman. The only excitement in the grimy industrial town is provided by robbing a train at gunpoint or stealing sheep from the Bashkiri tribe. The most renowned diversion, however, is the annual fist fight between the strongest metal worker and the strongest miner from the region. Against his better judgment, but with the support of his co-workers, Ignat decides to take part in this perilous venture.
Grandmother's Tales
A lot of events take place in the Jewish town on the eve of Saturday. We must have time to visit everywhere and see everything. Only the story of the prophet remains untold. Ukrainian animation based on Jewish folklore.
The Key
St. Petersburg. Winter of 1917, the eve of the February Revolution. The maid finds in the room the corpse of the murdered tenant. In his pocket, a hotel account was found in the name of Karl Fischer, a well-known banker. An investigation is beginning. In the list of suspects - an agent of the secret police...
Игроки XXI
How Is It Going, Crucians?
Человечек, глава преступной организации
Мы странно встретились
Comedy of Lysistrata
Lysistrata led the women of ancient Greece in forcing men to stop the war, that was devastating the land for 21 years. At secret assembly of the women delegates from both sides of the conflict, Lysistrata declared: "We must refrain from the male altogether - till the men come to terms of peace". Her instruction to every wife or mistress was to refuse all sexual favors whatsoever, and sit prettily dressed in best transparent silks, till the men yield to peace.
Kreytserova Sonata
A revelatory discussion on a train. Based on Leo Tolstoy's novel of the same name.
Another Life
Fariz Amirovich Rzayev
Psychological drama about a university dean who leads a double life.
Author (voice)
Poetic screen version of the story of I.Turgenev about mutual relations of landowner’s old wife and her mute yard keeper Gerasim. About Gerasim's attachment to a dog with nickname Mu-mu.
Автомобиль кота Леопольда
The Last Road
About the death of Aleksandr Pushkin, the leading poet and writer of Russia, who was shot on a duel and died when he was 37.
The action takes place in the hotel "goldfish", the administration of which fulfills the various wishes of its guests.
My Friend
Dead Souls
Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov plans to buy the titles to “dead souls” and use them as collateral to obtain a large loan. He comes to a small provincial town and begins to proposition the local landowners. These landowners are revealed to be so petty and avaricious that not even Chichikov’s amazing offer can be worked to his advantage on them. Some stall, some refuse for no obvious reasons, some promise and then renege, and others want “in on the deal.” In the end, Chichikov, having concluded that the landowners are a hopeless lot, leaves for other regions.
Prohindiada or running on the spot
Сан Саныч Любомудров
Comedy of manners with elements of grotesque. The hero of the tape - an employee of a solid research Institute San Sanych lubomudrov - an extraordinary personality. Charming trickster and subtle psychologist, he is fluent in the art of communicating with the "right" people.
Кот Леопольд во сне и наяву
Koe-chto iz Gubernskoy Zhizni
Ироническая комедия, которая соединила в себе ранние рассказы A.П.Чехова "Предложение", "Свадьба", "Юбилей" и другие. Целая плеяда ведущих актеров советского кинематографа позволяет с легкостью окунуться в чеховские времена и смеяться от души над жизненными ситуациями.
День рождения Леопольда
Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputin
narrator (voice)
Russian monk Grigori Rasputin rises to power, which corrupts him along the way. His sexual perversions and madness ultimatly leads to his gruesome assasination.
A Fairy Tale Told at Night
A story based on the tales "The Marble Heart" and "The Spessart Inn" by Wilhelm Hauff.
In Front of a Closed Door
И с вами снова я...
Телевизор кота Леопольда
Клад кота Леопольда
Это веселая и поучительная история о греческом рабе Эзопе, подарившем мировой литературе свои гениальные произведения, и о его глупом хозяине, обладающем деньгами и властью, но начисто лишенным доброты и порядочности.
The Old New Year
Pyotr Poluorlov
Two families are trying to fix their problems during the celebration of the New Year.
Snapshot Around the Family Table
Filip Halunga
The exploits of an odd adulterous couple
The Appointment
A soft and gentle man suddenly starts to change after being appointed to the manager position.
Adam Marries Eve
Seyfi Ganiyev
The investigator Seyfi Ganiyev runs the case of an illegal mercery shop's head Murad Abiyev, who confessed in embezzlement of one million rubles from public funds. Abiyev is also accused of the murder of an underage girls that occurred in Riga shortly after Abiyev saw her. He denies his guilt, but does not name the perpetrators though he knows them, despite the fact that he is facing the death penalty. The investigator understands that some high-ranking officials stand behind Abiyev, but he has no proof. Ganiyev seeks to obtain from the prisoner the whole truth to bring the criminals to justice.
Tale of Tales
Little Grey Wolf (voice)
Skazka Skazok (Tale of Tales) is a 27-minute animated short film, considered the masterpiece of influential Russian animator Yuri Norstein. Told in a non-narrative style by free association, the film employs various techniques including puppets, cut-outs, and traditional cell animation. Using classical music and '30s jazz tunes instead of dialogue.
Верой и правдой
The play is about the Game, about creativity, which this time turned into the form of a brilliant speck. Skillfully, talentedly and artistically, the victim of the same players as himself, Ikharev does not suffer a catastrophe, because his "Adelaide Ivanovna" remains with him. Tool and mascot of his game. His secret manuscript ...
Children as children
Igor Vladimirovich, Olya's father, surgeon
Four years ago, Igor, Olya's father, fell in love with another woman, Tatyana, and left his wife. Tatyana has a son, Dima, whom Igor is adopting. And one day Igor can not meet Olya, and sends Dima instead. Children get acquainted. There is a paradox. Olya hates Dima and his mother, he is friendly. Children have to cross the line of love and hate.
Confusion of Feelings
Виктор Семёнович
A young man tries to make everybody happy including the girl he's in love with and her divorcing parents.
An Unfinished Piece for Player Piano
Mikhail Vassilyevich Platonov
At the dilapidated country estate of Anna Petrovna Voinitseva, a group of feckless Russian aristocrats whiles away a summer afternoon. Unbeknownst to their respective spouses, local schoolteacher Platonov and the wife of Anna's stepson, Sophia, are former lovers whose meeting revives both passion and regret. Thrilled to see each other, they are nevertheless haunted by the loss of their youthful ideals.
Wounded Game
A story about a group of Russian boys who have lost their fathers in the World War II.
В профиль и анфас
(segment "Bolshaya lyubov Cherednichenko N.P.")
The Princess and the Pea
Second King
In one of the realms, there was time for the prince to get married, but the bride would have to be a real princess. A sign was put up on the gates: “ A Princess Wanted”. But in response to it there appeared only a small girl, wet to the bones after the rain and bearing no resemblance to nobility. So the prince was obliged to venture off to other lands in search of a suitable match. Henceforth the prince’s adventures unfold. In one kingdom, he met a fat king, in another – a hospitable king. He also visited the kingdom of arts. He saw enough princesses, beautiful and clever. And yet, the real princess, the only one he longed for, proved to be the girl who had knocked at their door during a rainstorm…
Vesnukhin's Fantasies
A first-grader dreams to perform with his cat in the circus.
Jarosław Dąbrowski
Colonel Tucholko
Hello, I'm Your Aunt!
Babbs Baberley
A funny comedy based on famous Brandon Thomas' play "Charley's Aunt".
A Slave of Love
Olga Voznesenskaya is a silent screen star whose pictures are so popular that underground revolutionaries risk capture to see them. She's in southern Russia filming a tear-jerker as the Bolsheviks get closer to Moscow. Although married, she spends time every day with Victor Pototsky, the film's cameraman. Gradually, it comes to light that Victor uses his job as a cover for filming White atrocities and Red heroism: he's a Bolshevik. He asks her for help, and she discovers meaning in her otherwise flighty and self-centred life. Love blooms. Will the Red forces arrive in time to save them from a suspicious White military leader? Will she find courage?
Маленькие зверюшки Антони ван Левенгука
Taste of Khalva
For many years the great Emir of Bukhara has not known happiness - he has lost the taste to delightful khalva, and now life is as sour as a lemon for him. The house of poor pot-maker Shir-Mamed, however, is full of happiness - his little son Hodzha Nasreddin has been born. Rumours have spread about his unusual abilities - maybe he will be able to make the Emir happy again?
At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own
Following the Russian Civil War, a loyal Red, Shilov, must prove he is at home among strangers as he attempts to recapture a shipment of gold that he was supposed to deliver to Moscow. Needed as a means of buying food for the people, the gold Shilov was entrusted with is stolen, initially by a group of assassins and then by a group of bandits. In tracking the gold’s whereabouts, Shilov’s motives are questioned and he is suspected of treason, in part because his brother was a devoted White. In an effort to clear his name, Shilov locates the gold, but he also discovers rampant greed and corruption.
Every day of Dr. Kalinnikova
Sergei Petrovich Krasik
The story of a talented woman who dedicated her life to surgery. Patients from all over the country go to her orthopedic laboratory — the doctor’s unique methods of treatment are so effective. However, an anonymous complaint is received by the metropolitan commission. Now experts have to figure out whether Kalinnikova really creates innovative healing techniques...
Long-Haired Wonder
A story based on life events of famous gymnast Olga Korbut.
Ночь ошибок
Black Prince
In the second movie colonel Zorin is trying to find a stolen "Black Prince" diamond.
A Man Before His Time
Nikon Bukeyev
Based on the unfinished play by Maxim Gorky "Yakov Bogomolov" about human dignity, that the main stimulus of life is creative work for the benefit of people. Engineer Yakov Bogomolov is a "workaholic" man. He gives himself all to his work, is carried away by it so much that he does not notice what is happening around him. Young wife Olga is cheating on him, friends betray, companions do not understand and deceive...
Детство. Отрочество. Юность
Rabbit reserve
Negligent, but the enterprising workers of a forest area "Rabbit reserve" unexpectedly wiped out all the rabbits. Now it remains only to wait for a scolding. But suddenly, in the possession of the hapless crooks right from the ground begins to beat the fountain of mineral water. This "gift of nature" is an urgent need to learn to their advantage. And it's so handy, there is a person spouting ideas on the edge of common sense! However, the genius nugget does not suspect that he was in the reserve of scams, where even a hare will teach fox tricks.
The Fifteenth Spring
Fifteen years old Sasha is dreaming about adventures, falling in love and doesn't know that WWII is approaching...
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