Gerda Kordemets

Gerda Kordemets

Nascimento : 1982-06-25,


Gerda Kordemets (real name Kulli-Kordemets, until 1982 Raud; born on 25 June 1960 Tallinn) is an Estonian theatre and film director, playwright, theatre critic, and culture journalist. In 1986 she graduated from Tallinn Pedagogical Institute in stage managing speciality. From 1985 to 1993 she worked at Eesti Televisioon, being at several offices. From 1995 to 1996 she was the executive editor of the newspaper Pühapäevaleht and worked as a cultural journalist for Päevaleht, Eesti Päevaleht and Sõnumileht. From 1998 to 2011 she was the chief editor of Eesti Televisioon's cultural programs. Since 2011 she is a freelancer


Gerda Kordemets


Three male friends decide to travel to Harakasa, a city far from Tallinn because Veikko needs to solve a problem there.
Three male friends decide to travel to Harakasa, a city far from Tallinn because Veikko needs to solve a problem there.
A Classe
Second Assistant Director
Joosep é um rapaz que fala pouco, introvertido, fraco nos esportes, diferente, estranho. Sua vida não é nada fácil. E tudo isso faz dele a vítima ideal para os baderneiros de seu colégio, jovens realmente cruéis, num ambiente de degradação. A escalada de humilhações e chateações vai crescendo enquanto a vida de Joosep se torna ainda mais insuportável. Então aparece Kaspar, um amigo inesperado, um aliado. Agora já não está sozinho. Mas mesmo assim os colegas de classe continuam com a perseguição, e Kaspar começa também a sofrer as conseqüências. E ambos só querem uma coisa: um pouco mais de dignidade em suas vidas.Baseado em fatos reais.
Touched by the Unknown
Mati is an assistant in TV studio. Patiently he has waited for his time to become a TV star but seems that he has to wait forever. One day an alien called Tipp is sent on Earth (by its chief Tapp) to find out the purpose of Estonian children's TV show "Tipp and Tapp". Tipp nestles himself inside Mati's brains that leads the man to unpredictable actions.