Alex Sanchez


Smile with heart
Paco is a young man who has gone through many difficulties since he was orphaned, he had to work hard as a clown in the streets of Guanajuato to be able to stay. One day, Paco meets April, a very pretty young woman, whom he fell in love with in her childhood, together with Pablito a young orphan, they will do the impossible to conquer April.
Smile with heart
Paco is a young man who has gone through many difficulties since he was orphaned, he had to work hard as a clown in the streets of Guanajuato to be able to stay. One day, Paco meets April, a very pretty young woman, whom he fell in love with in her childhood, together with Pablito a young orphan, they will do the impossible to conquer April.
Smile with heart
Paco is a young man who has gone through many difficulties since he was orphaned, he had to work hard as a clown in the streets of Guanajuato to be able to stay. One day, Paco meets April, a very pretty young woman, whom he fell in love with in her childhood, together with Pablito a young orphan, they will do the impossible to conquer April.
Oque e Certo Para Mim
Tat frequenta reuniões de apoio gay com seu amigo abertamente gay Nat. Os dois rapazes ficam surpresos quando a paixão de Tat, o atleta talentoso Ek, aparece numa das reuniões. Questionando sua sexualidade, Ek se volta para Tat por conselho e um doce romance se desenvolve, criando uma situação embaraçosa entre Tat e Nat.