in 1994, at that time the mainstream Cai Luong troupe was sought after by the audience, Thanh was then a 10 year old boy working as a fisherman on the river and despite the danger, he managed to hold the altar. Patriarch and then were adopted by the theater troupe Mr. Bau by the troupe. Kieu Truc Linh, a pretty 9-year-old girl, is the daughter of the famous singer Kieu Truc Le. In order to save her child, Truc Le sacrificed herself... Ten years later, the lack of customers persisted even though the group's owner used every possible means, from an orthodox Cai Luong troupe, it has now become a vaudeville troupe with a circus and lottery. In music, in opera and opera, there are only excerpts and the relationship between the new and the ancient. THIS MOVIE PLOT IS GODDAM LONG SO I SUMMARIZE IT
The film tells about the tragedy of the Vuong Dinh family, where the head of the family often uses magic charms to control the members. The mother, because of the patriarchal habit, respects men and despises women, and is ready for her son without any tricks. Even though I have to pay the price for my actions, tormented by my sins, but deep inside is still a mother's sacred maternal love, unconditional love of a mother.
Minh lives in a village where every child is born with a tree on their heads, except for him. On graduation day, students who have turned 18 will get their tree cut to signify adulthood. Problems arise when Minh’s sister decides to keep hers.
Set in a poor countryside in the Southwest region in the 1990s, That Son Tam Linh tells the story in which the central character is a scholar with an ambitious and cruel ambition. Mindful of possessing mysterious powers, he did not hesitate to hand out to kill 4 young girls.
Van, o herdeiro de um clã vietnamita, dos EUA volta para casa pela primeira vez em 9 anos para a mudança da tumba de seu pai. A família inteira fica surpresa ao encontrá-lo com um jovem vietnamita chamado Ian. Ninguém sabe que Ian é o namorado de Van e eles planejam se assumir para a mãe viúva de Van, a Sra. Hanh, que espera que ele se case e tenha filhos para cumprir os deveres de herdeiro. Além disso, sua avó, que tem demência senil, confunde Ian com seu neto. Enquanto luta para encontrar a ocasião perfeita para falar, Van descobre que sua mãe está gravemente doente.
Kai's Grandmother