Urbain Cancelier
Nascimento : 1959-08-02, Paris, France
Urbain Cancelier (born 2 August 1959) is a French comedian and actor, primarily known for his collaborations with French film director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, and for playing Collignon in Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain.
Source: Article "Urbain Cancelier" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Simone Veil's life story through the pivotal events of Twentieth Century. Her childhood, her political battles, her tragedies. An intimate and epic portrait of an extraordinary woman who eminently challenged and transformed her era defending a humanist message still keenly relevant today.
Victor, um sexagenário desiludido, vê sua vida virada de cabeça para baixo no dia em que Antoine, um empreendedor brilhante, oferece a ele um novo tipo de atração: misturando artifícios teatrais e reconstrução histórica, essa empresa oferece a seus clientes a chance de voltar à era de sua escolha. Victor então escolheu reviver a semana mais memorável de sua vida: aquela em que, 40 anos antes, ele conheceu o grande amor.
Isabelle (Agnès Jaoui) dedica todo o seu tempo ao trabalho humanitário, ajudando imigrantes, doando roupas, preparando comida e ministrando aulas de francês para estrangeiros. Um dia, quando uma professora mais jovem aparece no mesmo centro onde ela dá aulas, Isabelle começa a se sentir ultrapassada. Enquanto se envolve numa competição com a novata, começa a negligenciar o marido e os filhos, criando outros problemas para solucionar além da miséria no mundo..
A forest full of animated animals encourage a pair of snails, who are fully clad in black because they are in mourning for a dead leaf, to celebrate the new spring and reclaim the colors of life. Based on the children's poem by Jacques Prévert entitled "Chanson des escargots qui font à l'enterrement" ("Song of the snails who are on their way to a funeral").
Órfão, o pequeno Paul é adotado por uma família de trabalhadores rurais. Um dia ele conhece o caçador Totoche e os dois formam uma inesperada amizade. Passando os dias com o velho na floresta, Paul aprende sobre a vida da melhor forma possível: vivendo.
Le président de la République
Johanna Pasquali (Alice Pol) é a primeira mulher a se juntar ao RAID, um grupo de elite da polícia. Eugène Froissard (Dany Boon), o agente mais misógino da Raid, desaprova a entrada de Johanna no grupo, mas os dois acabam tendo que fazer uma dupla para parar a Gangue dos Leopardos. Antes de resolverem o caso, os dois precisarão que trabalhar juntos sem matar um ao outro.
Docteur William Butler
Le e geôlier chef à la prison d'Issoudun
Jean Reno e Christian Clavier estão de volta como viajantes do tempo para a Idade Média.
Setembro de 1945. Sebastian espera impaciente o retorno de sua amiga Angelina, a quem ele não viu por dois anos. Quando o avião transportando a jovem mulher para a sua pequena aldeia nos Alpes teria caído nas montanhas, Sebastian está convencido de que Angelina ainda está viva. Junto com seu cão fiel Belle, Sebastian embarca na aventura mais perigosa de sua vida.
Le sergent
During World War I, a home care nurse treats a man who lost one leg on the front lines. A strong bond arises between them and evolves into a passionate love affair.
A photographer gets to take a last picture of a muse he is obsessed with during a rather strange session.
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, nos Alpes, o solitário garoto Sébastien encontra um cachorro, Belle. Aos poucos, nasce uma amizade entre os dois, que se tornam inseparáveis. A criança está em busca de sua mãe e no caminho conhece uma jovem que procura aventura e um idoso que tenta relembrar o seu passado.
Gynaecologist / Neurasthenic Man (voice)
Mishima e Lucrèce têm uma loja de artigos para suicídio. Quando nasce seu filho Alan, percebem com horror que ele é mais alegre que seus irmãos. Enquanto tentam transformá-lo em uma criança triste, Alan se esforça para fazer todos felizes.
Despite his fame, Taillandier has suddenly stopped painting. Deeply depressed, the sixty-year-old decides to go away. He has no clear goal and explains nothing to his close friends. During his travels, he has a strange encounter with Marylou, a wild teenager who was rejected by her mother. The lost girl and the man at the end of his tether will travel together awhile. Finally living like a father and daughter, at peace.
Lacourt père
Paul de Marseul, a prestigious wine-maker and owner of a renowned chateau and vineyard in Saint-Emilion, is disheartened by the notion of his son Martin taking over the family business. Martin does not seem to have inherited the qualities that Paul esteems in a wine-maker: persistence, creative insight and technical prowess matched with passion for the job and the product, and Paul frequently reminds him of this, whether explicitly or in subtle gestures. When Philippe, the son of his manager, appears at the vineyard, Paul leaps at the chance to name him as his successor, neglecting the wishes of his own son...
Two brothers live in Montbard, Burgundy. For their summer vacation, they decide to visit their mother in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, because it’s been a long time, because it would make her happy… There’s no shortage of reasons. They buy a second-hand motor home and plan to stay open to whatever the road brings them, embarking on a brothers’ journey across France. Just the two of them. But then an endearing young woman crosses their path...
Un conservateur terrorisé par les plantes vertes, une mère plastifiée pour être exposée, un ballet de Saintes Vierges, des gardiens épuisés par Rodin, un ministre perdu dans une exposition de sexes, une voiture disparue au parking Rembrandt, des provinciaux amoureux des Impressionnistes, touristes galopins galopant d'une salle à l'autre, passager clandestin dans l'art premier, Picasso, Gauguin, Warhol, ils sont tous là dans ce petit monde qui ressemble au grand, dans ce musée pas si imaginaire que ça, valsant la comédie humaine jusqu'au burlesque.
Le médecin
Not long before World War I, in a French Alpine town near the Italian border, a pack of slaughtered wolves is delivered to local taxidermist Leon (Patrick Chesnais). A surviving black cub comes down from the mountains looking for his family, and is saved from discovery and certain death by Leon’s young daughter Angele, who releases him back into the wild. The Great War comes and goes, making local foundry owners the Garcins rich. Family patriarch Albert Garcin (Michel Galabru), who happens to be Angele’s godfather, has given a free lifetime’s lease of a shack in the hills to a gypsy woman (played in flashbacks by Elisa Tovati in which she’s seen, literally, having dances with wolves on stage). Her son Guiseppe (Stefano Accorsi), who appears to be slightly mentally handicapped, guards the wolves he’s befriended up there, especially the black pack leader he calls Carbone.
Philippe de Marcillac
A group of travelers, including a monk, stay in a lonely inn in the mountains. The host confesses the monk his habit of serving poisoned soup to the guests, to rob their possessions and to bury them in the backyard. The story unfolds as the monk tries to save the guest's lives without violating the holy secrecy of the confession.
Bus Driver
Mr. Bean faz uma viagem ao sul da França para um tranquilo feriado de verão. Seu passeio de Londres à Riviera transforma em verdadeira loucura todos os lugares por onde passa, culminando numa exibição não-planejada de seus vídeos amadores da viagem no cultuado Festival de Cannes.
Le duc Réginald Saumur-Chantilly de Fortemure
The Arbac de Neuvilles are one of the oldest families in France. They have inhabited their ancient château for fifty-two generations and are proud of their noble ancestry. But today they are stone broke. When a bailiff turns up notifying them that they owe two million euros in back taxes, these proud aristocrats are understandably shaken to the core of their ancestral seat. Just how are they to find this amount of money when none of them has any capacity for work?
A former police officer, Marc Lorca, sees his wife die from a terrible car accident, which occurred while he was driving. Previously alcoholic, Lorca seems to collapse under the weight of guilt. But a former colleague, Marianne Duriez, recently become a police captain, shows him that the accident is not accounted by any negligence on his part. The survey of experts has indeed revealed that the steering axis of the vehicle was sabotaged. Gradually, the suspect list is expanding. Lorca realizes he knows nothing of the past of his deceased wife, who was obviously part of a small extreme left group.
The Parish Priest
Mathilde (Audrey Tautou) e Manech (Gaspard Ulliel) cresceram juntos e descobriram o amor. A 1ª Guerra Mundial os separa. Ao fim da guerra Mathilde faz uma incansável busca para encontrar Manech.
Um homem deixa o filho de 8 anos com o sogro que mora perto da geleira onde a mãe do menino morreu.
Chef gendarme
A young boy from the south of France falls madly in love with a posh Parisian girl and follows her for crazy adventures to the big city.
Le directeur
Após deixar a vida de subúrbio que levava com a família, a inocente Amélie muda-se para o bairro parisiense de Montmartre, onde começa a trabalhar como garçonete. Certo dia encontra uma caixa escondida no banheiro de sua casa e, pensando que pertencesse ao antigo morador, decide procurá-lo e é assim que encontra Dominique. Ao ver que ele chora de alegria ao reaver o seu objeto, a moça fica impressionada e adquire uma nova visão do mundo. Então, a partir de pequenos gestos, ela passa a ajudar as pessoas que a rodeiam, vendo nisto um novo sentido para sua existência. Contudo, ainda sente falta de um grande amor.
Angelo believes his father works with extraterrestrials on a top secret project.
St Gaudens
The beautiful Parisian courtesan Marguerite Gauthier (Cristiana Réali), who is called a "Lady of The Camellia" because of the preference for these flowers, has many devotees among Parisian aristocrats. He really loves one - young Armand Duval (Michaël Cohen). Under the influence of the beloved father's pleas, and despite himself, he declares to Armand that he no longer loves him. She is suffering from tuberculosis, but if possible, she is in company, and renews contacts with rich devotees. Armand tries to forget about her. One evening, at a party, their paths cross again.
Raymonde Chandebise suspects her husband Victor-Emmanuel of cheating on her. Her best friend advises her to find out for sure and to use a stratagem. Both of them send him a false letter, written by a beautiful stranger, giving him an appointment at the "Minet Galant"! But they are completely unaware that the hotel's waiter, a simpleton, is a look-alike of poor Victor-Emmanuel!
Louis XVI
To get royal backing on a needed drainage project, a poor French lord must learn to play the delicate games of wit at court at Versailles.