Barbara Fisher


Mom's Christmas Boyfriend
Executive Producer
Single mom Emma always puts others first, particularly her ten-year-old daughter Lily, who she adopted on her own. But when the precocious Lily wins a contest to have her Christmas wish granted, Emma’s life gets turned upside down…because Lily’s Christmas wish is for Emma to finally find true love!
Merry Magic Christmas
Executive Producer
As Christmas nears, a financial advisor starts seeing a recurring number: 624. It’s the time she wakes, an address, the change at a Christmas shop. She’s told the number is from a Christmas angel to help make her heart’s secret wish come true. A numbers person, she calls it a statistical coincidence. But when she discovers the number’s meaning, she finds love.
The Plot to Kill My Mother
Executive Producer
A young woman who unknowingly grew up in federal witness protection reels after her mother’s murder, leading her to question everything that she thinks is true. She decides to leave the program and find the killer before he kills again, but reclaiming a life she never knew isn’t going to be easy.
Destino: Natal
Executive Producer
Emma quer passar bem longe das comemorações natalinas, mas sem querer ela pega um voo errado com destino a uma cidade chamada Saint John, conhecida por adorar comemorar o Natal.
Um Natal na Suíça
Executive Producer
Alex está ansiosa para comemorar o Natal na pousada de sua mãe, até descobrir que sua antiga melhor amiga, Beth, que se casou com o seu ex-namorado, estará lá.
Perigo Dentro de Casa
Executive Producer
Um jovem rico que precisa contratar alguém para cuidar de sua mãe. A Sra. June, devido a sua saúde frágil, vive com seu filho Connor e a noiva dele, Taylor. Por falta de tempo, o casal decide contratar uma enfermeira para ela. Eles encontram uma candidata perfeita, Nora, com boas recomendações. Durante seu trabalho, Nora percebe diversos problemas suspeitos com as medicações de June, e observa que a família possui uma relação muito estranha. Não demora muito para ela se dar conta de que esse trabalho é mais perigoso do que imaginava, e pode custar sua vida e a de sua paciente.
Big Lies In A Small Town
Executive Producer
A young mother, Rachel, frantically searches for her teen daughter, Hannah after their car crashed outside of a small town in the middle of nowhere and her daughter goes missing. People die mysteriously in Rachel’s wake as she gets closer to finding out that the small-town doctor kidnapped her daughter. He and his wife never got over the tragic loss of their teen daughter and it turns out that Hannah is the perfect surrogate to take her place. Rachel desperately needs to find and rescue her daughter before she is forced to play this role for the rest of her life
The Attraction Test
Executive Producer
As an acclaimed college professor prepares to unveil her landmark study that sparks love between strangers, the launch is threatened when she’s criticized for not taking “The Dating Test” herself. Though she’s vowed never to fall in love again, she agrees to take the test with her biggest critic.
Lies Beneath The Surface
Executive Producer
Hanna notices some suspicious activity at a nearby cabin while she's kayaking by herself in a remote lake. Believing the woman and her daughter staying there might be in danger, she notifies the authorities. After the authorities find nothing wrong or unusual, they brush off Hanna. When she looks in on them, it sets off a deadly cat-and-mouse game of survival.
Lies Between Friends
Executive Producer
A wealthy family’s life is upended when the 18-year-old daughter of a family friend comes to live with them for a few months.
Perigo no Grupo de Mães
Executive Producer
Uma mãe decide se juntar à associação de pais da escola na esperança de poder se envolver mais no ensino de sua filha. Ela descobre que o conselho escolar é dirigido por uma mãe com uma propensão a dar punhaladas pelas costas - literalmente.
I Won't Let You Go
Executive Producer
Angela West has always wanted a family, and now has one with her husband Keith. When an ex-boyfriend starts stalking her, Angela turns to Keith, but no matter what she tries, she can't seem to shake the stalker who is ruining her life.
Bad Influence
Executive Producer
A single mom is overjoyed when her daughter finally makes friends at her new high school. Soon, however, it becomes clear that this group of students follows their own moral code that’s strange, self-centered, and possibly dangerous.
Seu Namorado É Meu
Executive Producer
Um homem concorda em aceitar um emprego como empregado interno de uma empresária rica. Então ele percebe que fez um pacto com o diabo.
Meia-irmã Sinistra
Executive Producer
Jeff Mitchell parece ter tudo: um bom emprego, uma esposa amorosa e dois filhos maravilhosos. No entanto, em um belo dia ele descobre que, enquanto estava no ensino médio, engravidou sua então namorada. A menina se mudou e teve a filha, Carlee, que criou como mãe solteira, sem revelar a identidade do verdadeiro pai. No entanto, quando a mãe de Carlee morre em um trágico acidente, a filha decide ir em busca da verdade.
10 Truths About Love
Executive Producer
Hannah, a thriving romance columnist, thinks she’s got life and love figured out… until her longtime boyfriend unexpectedly breaks up with her. At the same time, Hannah’s editor hires a new writer, Liam, to work with her and give the column a male perspective. The two clash over their approach and sparks fly. To prove himself, Liam offers to help Hannah get her ex-boyfriend back. But, in the process of proving each other wrong, they begin to realize they may be right for each other.
Ghosts of Christmas Past
Executive Producer
Ellie, a serial 'ghoster' on dating apps, is told by a fortune teller that she must resolve her past and make amends with all those she ghosted before Christmas, or she is destined to never find true love! Over the course of one week, she takes it upon herself to track down all the men she ghosted before the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve and discovers love in the process.
My Favorite Christmas Melody
Executive Producer
Once a promising singer-songwriter, Abby now finds herself writing uninspired jingles for commercials. As she heads home for the holidays, she's enlisted by the local high school music teacher to help save the school arts program. In the process, Abby rediscovers her voice and regains the confidence to go after her dreams and lets the possibility of love in too.
Saying Yes to Christmas
Executive Producer
A magical Christmas wish makes a career-obsessed June say yes to every invitation while she's home for the holidays. But when an old flame, Blake, joins her hectic schedule of Christmas activities, past feelings are reignited. June must choose between saying yes to her career and life in the city or to her heart in her hometown.
Dançando no Natal
Executive Producer
Um charmoso pai solteiro decide contatar a professora de dança de sua filha, que sonha em dançar o papel principal em "O Quebra-Nozes". À medida que passam tempo juntos, ambos acabam se aproximando.
The Beauty of Love
Executive Producer
Emma has built a successful lifestyle website that she puts her heart and soul into called “Classically Emma”. But when her numbers start trending down, she thinks she might’ve found her fix in a partnership with an ambitious millennial named Jill who has her own dreams.
O Estagiário Psicopata
Executive Producer
Maia é uma diretora de projetos de uma pequena startup que contrata o jovem estagiário Alex. Durante uma longa jornada de trabalho, na qual ele fica até muito tarde ajudando-a, acabam tendo um caso de uma noite. Ela se sente envergonhada pelo incidente, pede desculpas e tenta acabar com o affaire, mas ele não está disposto a deixá-la em paz.
A Honeymoon to Remember
Executive Producer
When a devastated Ava’s fiancé leaves her at the altar, she’s determined to enjoy her honeymoon without him. Time away in a beautiful setting helps her figure out what she truly wants from a partner, but when her fiancé shows up unannounced, she’s more confused than ever… Can Ava forgive the man who broke her heart?
Assassinato na Rua Maple
Executive Producer
O jovem casal Mark e Tess decide ter a casa dos sonhos e compra uma linda residência em um bairro de classe alta. No entanto, eles descobrem que naquele lugar aconteceu um trágico suicídio e assassinato dos antigos moradores. Quando eventos estranhos começam a acontecer, logo suspeitam que seu novo vizinho pode ter desempenhado um papel nas mortes.
O Roubo do Bebê
Executive Producer
Inspirada por uma chocante história real tirada das manchetes, uma mulher se apresenta como uma fotógrafa de bebês para fazer amizade com uma jovem mãe e roubar seu bebê.
A Vizinha Suspeita
Executive Producer
John Logan, a widower and father of two daughters, is struggling to balance his job and parenting. Luckily, he has the help of Jillian, his wife’s best friend. When an attractive woman moves in across the street, John finds himself enjoying her company. Alice, the new neighbor, starts spending time at the Logan house, even helping John with the girls. This new woman in John’s life is a bit mysterious and she starts getting caught in some lies raising the suspicion of Jillian and John’s older daughter, Chelsea. When Alice’s ex-husband is found dead, everyone starts to wonder if Alice is as sweet as she seems
A Outra Família Do Meu Pai
Executive Producer
Após descobrir que seu pai falecido manteve uma vida dupla durante anos, Shelby conhece Rose, a meia irmã que nunca soube que tinha.
The Wedding Ring
Executive Producer
Kate Sterling’s entire life is about proposals. As a jewelry designer she’s created rings for more happy couples than she can count, however none for herself yet. At her sister’s marriage, Kate is given a second change to connect with her childhood sweetheart. Now she has to decide whether their feelings have changed, or if the wedding will re-kindle the sparks that once united them; giving Kate the ring she’s been waiting for her whole life!
A Romance Wedding
Executive Producer
Zoe Davis is a successful and highly driven wedding planner in the big city. When her father asks her for help at the family café shop, she happily drives back to her cozy hometown of Romance, Oregon. Little does she know her mom has already hired Will to help, an aspiring chef and coincidentally…Zoe’s childhood sweetheart! Tensions rise between Zoe and Will, but so does the chemistry. Will they settle their differences and find lost love along the way?
A Wedding to Remember
Executive Producer
On opposite sides of a development project, Olivia and Brian are surprised to find they are the Maid of Honor and Best Man at the same wedding. They have to put their feelings aside to save their best friends’ wedding… which may turn out to be their own as well!
Esquadrão do Papai Noel
Executive Producer
Um professor de arte desempregado concorda em trabalhar com a equipe do Papai Noel para ajudar a levantar o ânimo de um viúvo rico e de suas filhas. Ele acaba encontrando o amor verdadeiro ao ajudar a deprimida família a redescobrir a magia do Natal.
O Assassino de Cheerleaders
Executive Producer
Dez anos após sobreviver a uma série de brutais assassinatos quando pertencia à equipe de líderes de torcida de seu colégio do ensino médio, Ellie está de volta à instituição como professora. Os ataques voltam a ocorrer e ela deve encontrar o assassino antes de que seja tarde demais.
Love is a Piece of Cake
Executive Producer
Jessie Dale is a third generation baker who loves her cake shop more than anything in the world. When developers threaten to buy her building and force her out, she must do all she can to save her bakery, all while juggling a blossoming romance with her client's brother.
Tentado pelo perigo
Executive Producer
As irmãs, Nicole e Angela, são altamente motivadas e bem-sucedidas em suas carreiras. Angela é casada e tem um bebê a caminho e deseja que Nicole, uma advogada em ascensão, pudesse ter mais equilíbrio em sua vida. Quando Angela entrevista e contrata um novo executivo brilhante, Michael, ela o coloca com Nicole, que realmente arranja tempo para namorá-lo. O relacionamento parece promissor até que fica claro que Michael está se movendo muito mais rápida e obsessivamente do que Nicole pode suportar.
A Filha Que Abandonei
Executive Producer
Rebecca, professora da Clark Academy, um internato de elite para meninas, tem um segredo. Ela deixou uma filha quando era adolescente.
Ambulância do Terror
Executive Producer
Dois paramédicos chegam ao local de um acidente de carro para transportar uma adolescente ferida para o hospital. No entanto, em vez de levá-la ao hospital, os estranhos a levam para a casa de uma mulher cuja filha acabou de morrer..
Inveja Venenosa
Executive Producer
A quilômetros de distância, Molly e Lily se tornam amigas na 4ª série, continuando a escrever uma para a outra ao longo da vida. As coisas mudam no entanto quando Molly aparece no 25º aniversário de Lily, com a intenção de dominar a vida de Lily.
Assassinato Via Babá Eletrônica
Executive Producer
Cassie Temple aceita um emprego como babá em casa após o término do estágio, mas começa a suspeitar que seu empregador está tramando algo sinistro depois de ouvir uma trama de assassinato.
Vingança  Matrimonial
Executive Producer
Com o casamento em constante crise, Laurel conhece Kent e passam uma noite juntos. Porém, além de gravar todo o encontro, o amante começa a chantagear Laurel para que ela se separe do marido, o advogado James. Isso porque Kent acredita que foi James quem arruinou seu relacionamento, e agora quer se vingar. Mas Laurel fará de tudo para impedir esse plano diabólico.
Undercover Cheerleader
Executive Producer
Autumn is a beautiful transfer student who goes undercover as a cheerleader to do an exposé on the cruel culture of the squad for her school newspaper. But when someone begins viciously attacking cheerleaders, she starts to fear for her own life.
Am I a Serial Killer?
Executive Producer
A teenage girl visits her mom on death row and gets lured into a dangerous trap to take the fall for her mother's crimes.
Mensagem do Céu
Executive Producer
Um pai solteiro mantém uma tensa relação com a sua rebelde filha adolescente. Mas quando parece que eles nunca poderão solucionar seus problemas, milagrosamente encontram uma carta dirigida à garota escrita pela mãe em seu leito de morte.
App Mortal
Executive Producer
Para pagar as despesas com a faculdade, a estudante Trina lança um app de encontros chamado Let's Date. O aplicativo logo se torna um sucesso, mas Trina descobre que o Let's Date está sendo usado por uma rede de prostituição, e decide tirar o app do ar.
Hometown Killer
Executive Producer
Uma jovem se encontra em perigo quando uma policial emocionalmente perturbada que ela intimidou no ensino médio a atinge em um plano distorcido de vingança.
Nightmare Tenant
Executive Producer
After her daughter Lacey goes off to a prestigious university, Carol finds herself with an empty nest and decides to rent out her room. When Nikki, a local college student answers the ad, it feels like a perfect fit. What Carol doesn't know is that Nikki was her daughter's high school rival, and that she believes Carol cheated her out of a chance to attend a better school by pulling strings for Lacey. Now, Nikki has come to avenge the future she feels has been stolen from her.
Infidelity Can Be Fatal
Executive Producer