Larissa Leite


Cartas de Brasília
Relendo cartas escritas a partir dos anos 1970, quando chegou a Brasília, o maranhense Eliézer Alcântara Lima, pai da cineasta, reencontra sonhos juvenis alimentados pela Capital da Esperança.
O Mestre da Cena
From sweeper and does everything in theaters in the 1950s, Gê became a nationally renowned artist and one of the most prolific actors in Brasilia. With more than 60 years of career, he has acted in more than 50 films and over a hundred plays, in addition to numerous participations in commercials and soap operas. For some, he is just one among many other excellent national actors, but for those who know him up close, he is a true intangible heritage of Brasília.
Production Design
Uma rapariga nada numa piscina, sozinha, à noite. Nos corredores escuros, nos balneários, alguém a observa – o perigo aproxima-se. Ela volta várias vezes à piscina e ao trauma do passado, tentando recriar uma memória do evento. A young woman swims in a pool, alone, at night. In the dark corridors, in the shower room, someone is watching her – danger approaches. She returns to the swimming pool and to a past trauma several times, trying to recreate a memory of the event.