Brian Perera


Death Rider in the House of Vampires
Executive Producer
In the Wild West, the mysterious Death Rider enters a dangerous Vampire Sanctuary where the price of admission is a one female virgin.
Street Survivors - A Verdadeira História do Acidente de Avião do Lynyrd Skynyrd
Executive Producer
Em 1977, um avião que levava Lynyrd Skynyrd para um show fica sem combustível no ar e acaba caindo em um pântano, fazendo um dos sobreviventes buscar ajuda em uma fazenda próxima.
Devil's Revenge
John Brock is a down-on-his-luck archaeologist who returns from an expedition to the caves of rural Kentucky after unsuccessfully trying to locate a mysterious relic that his family has sought for generations. Upon his return, John starts to see dream-like visions of a ferocious bird-like creature from ancient folklore. John soon learns that the cave he came into contact with on his last expedition was indeed the cave that contains the relic and also a portal to Hell and a place of worship for the Occult. John discovers that the only way to stop the increasingly realistic visions is to go back to the cave with his family, find the relic once and for all, and destroy it.
Executive Producer
An anthology, based on the comics of the same name by Glenn Danzig, in which the erotic and horrific combine to create multiple ghoulish tales of bloodlust, murder, the occult and the forbidden.
Sunset Society
Executive Producer
Welcome to the world of the Sunset Society, a secret organization in Hollywood where parties are held, musicians gather and blood flows freely! Ace (Lemmy from "Motorhead") is the head vampire in charge who likes to keep the fun going while keeping the profile low. However, due to a few rebels in his midst, humans are starting to catch on to his vampire ways.
Devil's Domain
Executive Producer
After becoming the victim of vicious cyber bullies, Lisa makes a deal with the devil to exact revenge on her tormentors.
O Quarto Escuro
Executive Producer
Paul e Jennifer estão vivendo um tremendo sonho. Mas seu casamento feliz está prestes a ser posto à prova como lentamente descobrem o segredo por trás da sala escura de sua adega.