'Left of Center' follows a young woman generations after the climax of a global climate catastrophe in a Clean Center: a net zero, self-sustaining facility designed to contain humanity, and let the planet heal itself. She's trapped in a mechanical and repetitive world when all she wants to do is slow down and spend time in the greenhouse. Inspired by the history of deforestation in Vermont, this film looks at what we stand to lose if we don't do something to help the planet, and what we lose in ourselves if disconnected from nature.
Calvin Barr é um lendário veterano da Segunda Guerra Mundial que muitos anos atrás assassinou Adolf Hitler – um segredo que ele é incapaz de compartilhar com o mundo. Um dia, assim que ele começa a resolver sua vida, Calvin recebe uma visita do FBI e da Real Polícia Montada do Canadá. Eles precisam que ele lide com o Pé Grande também.
The family and friends of 65-year-old dementia patient Jack Schiazo try to ease his transition back into home life after he is released from the hospital. Jack's struggle with illness draws parallels to challenges he faced earlier in life, bringing his identity and legacy into focus.