Director of Photography
A major presentation of the life and deeds of the Vikings - seafaring Scandinavians that raided and traded from today's Iran, along the Russian rivers, all over Europe and over the oceans to Greenland and America, five hundred years before Columbus. Here scientists from around the Viking world explains how modern international archaeology works, and illustrates the amazing discoveries about who the Vikings were and what they actually achieved, founding cities like Dublin and countries like Russia.
Enrico, Martina's brother (uncredited)
Michele, professor de matemática, é colocado no liceu Marilyn Monroe, onde a História é ensinada através das canções dos anos 60. Do terraço da sua nova casa, ele espia os vizinhos e classifica os casais — felizes ou infelizes — no seu arquivo pessoal. Considerado suspeito de crimes cometidos sobre vizinhos e amigos, Michele apaixona-se entretanto por Bianca, a sua colega professora de francês.