Giuseppe Lanci

Giuseppe Lanci

Nascimento : 1942-03-01, Rome, Italy


Giuseppe Lanci


The Gift
After the release of "Nostalgia", Andrei Tarkovsky runs out his Soviet authorities permission to work abroad: he has to go back home. But he understands from the messages of some friends and colleagues that his life in Russia would be even tougher than before. So he then decides to break with Soviet authorities and, a year before the Milan Conference of 1984 during which he will announce publicly his decision, he leaves his friends that are hosting him in Rome and takes refuge in a secret location.
A Casa das Cotovias
Director of Photography
The Lark Farm is set in a small Turkish town in 1915. It deals with the genocide of Armenians, looking closely at the fortunes, or rather, misfortunes of one wealthy Armenian family.
A Casa dos Gerânios
Director of Photography
Esta é a história de Maria, uma típica mãe italiana que vive em uma casa antiga na costa Amalfitana. Para resgatar o passado, Maria tenta reunir sua família: seu marido, um pescador e ex-jornalista que está vivendo num barco desde a ultima briga, e seus três filhos, que deixaram a casa dos gerânios e seguiram suas vidas. Todos se reencontram para a festa com muitos medos e poucas esperanças, e tentam trazer de volta à vida as doces e cômicas memórias do passado.
Answer Me
After the death of her husband Fausto, Stella decides to return to the house by the lake where she was born and where twenty years earlier she knew him, remaining conquered by the melancholy.
O Quarto do Filho
Director of Photography
Giovanni (Nanni Moretti) é um psicanalista que reside e trabalha na cidade de Ancona, na Itália. Ele é casado com Paola (Laura Morante) e tem dois filhos: a menina Irene (Jasmine Trinca) e o jovem Andrea (Giuseppe Sanfelice). Sua vida transcorre tranqüila, dividida entre a família e o consultório, até que uma tragédia a transtorna completamente. Para atender ao chamado urgente de um paciente, Giovanni deixa de acompanhar o filho à praia e nesse passeio o rapaz morre afogado. A família, é claro, ressente-se profundamente com a morte e Giovanni sofre uma forte sensação de remorso, apesar do apoio da esposa.
Tierra del fuego
Director of Photography
The film is based on the novel (of the same name) by the Chilean writer Francisco Coloane, and on the chronicles of the Romanian engineer Julius Popper, a nationalized Argentine and one of the principle actors in the genocide of the Selk'nam, one of the indigenous peoples who inhabited the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago.
I piccoli maestri
Director of Photography
During the 20 months before Italy's liberation from Fascism, a group of university students trade empty rhetoric for action by joining the Partisans into the mountains of Nazi-occupied northern Italy. There, group leader Gigi falls in love with his best friend's girl. As the Resistance struggle continues, some of the "little teachers" are killed, and the brutal reality of war leaves its mark on their youthful idealism.
Director of Photography
Continuação de Caro Diário , essa comédia mostra fatos diversos que marcaram a vida de Nanni Moretti, focalizando as pressões sofridas pelo diretor num período muito especial. Prestes a ser pai pela primeira vez, ele vive entre as expectativas da paternidade e a indignação com a situação política da Itália, com a ascensão ao poder da extrema direita liderada por Silvio Berlusconi. Repleto de situações hilariantes, Aprile é um filme obrigatório para os fãs da comédia italiana.
The Prince of Homburg
Director of Photography
The Prince of Homburg, disobeys orders and leads a cavalry charge in battle against the Swedes, which leads to victory. He is court martialled however for disobeying orders and sentenced to death. His love who is now to be betrothed to the King of Sweden, following his execution appeals to the Elector, her uncle, on his behalf, as do his comrades in battle. He must also contend with his own desire to live and conflicting sense of honour.
With Closed Eyes
Director of Photography
In the Tuscan countryside at the end of the 19th century, Pietro, the shy son of a tyrannical landowner, falls in love with Ghisola, a peasant girl with no family. His father has her sent away. Years later, the two meet again: still in love with her, Pietro would like to marry her, but she has become the mistress of a married man.
Caro Diário
Director of Photography
O filme retrata as aventuras e emoções de Nanni Moretti. Ele percorre as ruas de Roma, descobrindo fachadas, indo ao cinema, visitando o lugar onde Pasolini foi assassinado. Descobre um cenário de ilhas paradisíacas que transfigura-se em espaço de “infernal” humor. Este misto de aventura e documentário autobiográfico registra tudo o que acontece de interessante em sua viagem, o que inclui sua peregrinação de médico em médico para se curar de sua doença.
Johnny Stecchino
Director of Photography
Good hearted but not very wordly-wise, Dante is happy driving the school bus for a group of mentally handicapped children, while feeling he is somehow missing out on life and love. So he is very excited when after nearly being knocked down by her car he meets Maria, who seems immediately enamoured of him. He is soon invited to her sumptuous Palermo villa, little suspecting that this is part of a plot. He bears an amazing likeness to Maria's stool-pigeon gangster husband and it would be convenient for them if the mobster, in the shape of Dante, was seen to be dead and buried.
Husbands and Lovers
Director of Photography
Stefan finds that he can no longer tolerate the arrangement of his cheating wife ... he, the husband, gets her during the week and her lover gets her on the weekends. At the same time the wife finds herself increasingly drawn to the violence of her lover versus the adoration of her husband.
Suffocating Heat
Director of Photography
On June 30, 1990, in Rome, Marie Christine is getting ready to take her son Pietro and Paolo to their father for the weekend. As the Football World Cup is taking place in Italy, Rome is flooded with supporters; the traffic is chaotic and French-born Marie Christine, who works as a translator, finds a bag that belongs to Miriam, who must leave the next day. Marie Christine decides to find her to return her passport, but one Giuliano Ferrini tries to prevent this. So Marie Christine finds herself navigating through a hot Roman night in a city she doesn't know, among people she never dreamed could inhabit the same city.
The Conviction
Director of Photography
A girl and her art professor get trapped inside a castle-museum after it closes at night. After a little resistance she agrees to have sex with him, but then she sues the professor for rape. The professor will have to prove his innocence.
In nome del popolo sovrano
Director of Photography
1849 - Ciceruacchio declares the Independent Republic of Rome, but the French and the Austrians try to bring back the Pope to Rome.
Il prete bello
Director of Photography
In 1939 Vicenza, a young petty thief befriends the local priest. Based on the novel by Goffredo Parise.
Palombella Rossa
Director of Photography
Michele Apicella, dirigente do PCI, perde temporariamente a memória por causa de um acidente de carro e vai tentar reconstituir a sua vida e a sua identidade durante um jogo de pólo aquático. No último minuto do jogo, Michele tem que marcar um penalti que será decisivo…
Francesco - A História de São Francisco de Assis
Director of Photography
Um dos mais belos filmes sobre a vida de São Francisco de Assis. Mais que uma história de vida, Francesco narra, com muita emoção, a jornada de um homem que renunciou aos valores materiais para viver o cristianismo em sua essência.
The Witches' Sabbath
Director of Photography
The freshly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about young Maddalena, who's on trial for murdering a hunter. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil.
Três Irmãs
Director of Photography
An adaptation of a classic "Three Sisters" play by Anton Chekhov.
Director of Photography
When his wife Lydia commits suicide, succesful attorney Robert Havinck is freed from his unhappy marriage. Unfortunately, it turns out she took a complete stranger along with her, and a feeling of guilt and curiosity about her motives lead Havinck to team up with his fifteen-year old daughter to explore Lydia's final days.
Bom Dia, Babilônia
Director of Photography
Em busca de uma vida melhor, os irmãos Nicola e Andrea imigram para os Estados Unidos. Com o início da Primeira Guerra, a tragédia marcará para sempre o destino dos irmãos.
Diabo no Corpo
Director of Photography
An Italian high school student becomes infatuated with a woman he sees outside his class window. Her fiancée is in jail for being involved in a radical movement, and she spends much time in court providing moral support. At first she resists the student's advances, but eventually begins an affair with him. Their situation is condemned by her family and his father, who is the woman's psychologist.
A Veneziana
Director of Photography
Venice, sixteenth century. Giulio, a foreign gentleman spends a memorable night in the city where he meets and beds two beautiful women. They are Angela, a widowed lady, and Valeria, whose husband has left for Florence.
Director of Photography
After Annunziata (Angela Molina) opens up a hostel with her friend Antonio (Daniel Ezralow), she is saved from being raped by a Camorra boss as the gangster is suddenly killed. The killer escapes before Annunziata is able to see who it was. Following this murder are several others, and always with the same “signature” — a syringe in one of the testicles of the victims. As the gangsters continue to be killed off, the identity of the killer – or killers – slowly becomes obvious.
Blues metropolitano
Director of Photography
Tony is a young Neapolitan musician. He has a lot of problems and a past with drugs, but also with women. He is engaged to Susy, but he betrays her with a university professor, who has an invalid husband, but also with other young aspiring singers, who try in every way to break into the world of music. Among these there is Elena, engaged in various difficulties to organize a concert with the best names of Neapolitan music.
Director of Photography
Five stories center on a werewolf, a feudal landlord, peasants, a ghost, and a mother and her sons.
Henry IV
Director of Photography
Deranged after a fall from a horse, a man has lived for twenty years in a castle laboring under the delusion that he is Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. His psychiatrist concocts an elaborate scheme to shock him out of his medieval reverie.
Andrey Tarkovsky in Nostalghia
A poetic and intimate scene-by-scene look into the filming of Tarkovsky's 'Nostalghia'.
Director of Photography
Andrei está escrevendo um livro sobre um compositor russo do século XVIII, refazendo seu caminho pela Europa para entender sua vida. Ao chegar a uma pequena e arcaica cidade italiana Andrei conhece Domenico, um homem que trancou a família em casa por 7 anos para protegê-los dos males do mundo; o homem é considerado louco por todos, mas Andrei vê algum sentido no que ele fez e cria uma certa obsessão por entendê-lo.
The Eyes, the Mouth
Director of Photography
A rich Italian's shocking suicide means different things to his twin brother, mother and pregnant lover.
Director of Photography
Wolfgang Cazotte, a famous, refined and charming court painter of the early 19th century,plans to seduce Ehrengard, an attractive and proud virgin, without touching her, just by instilling in her a throbbing passion. At one point, though, the painter's artifice seems to start turning its back on him...
Con... fusione
Director of Photography
Leap Into the Void
Director of Photography
Mauro, a judge, is worried about his older sister Marta, who took care of him since he was a boy, and now suffers from mental illness and suicidal thoughts. She seems to recover from her depression when Mauro acquaints her with Giovanni, a brilliant actor at the edge of legality. However, Mauro becomes unconsciously jealous of their relationship and tries to get Giovanni arrested.
Lovers and Liars
Camera Operator
American actress on vacation in Italy falls for her friend's married Italian lover.
Aquelas Estranhas Ocasiões aka Uma Estranha Ocasião
Camera Operator
Three sexy and comic episodes.
Dimmi che fai tutto per me
Camera Operator
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
Victory March
Director of Photography
The drawbacks and difficulties of military life are explored in this film. Paolo Passeri is a college graduate, somewhat spoiled, somewhat effete, who finds himself in an officer training program under the stern martinet, Captain Asciutto. He gradually becomes acclimated to the military mind-set, and when the Captain's wife decides to take a romantic interest in him, he does not report her dangerous peculiarities to anyone.
Plot of Fear
Camera Operator
Plot of Fear tells the story of a decadent weekend party full of orgies and drugs on the outskirts of Milan. After two deaths occur Inspector Lomenzo interrogates one of the guests, a fashion model who becomes his informant, as well as his lover. Clery reveals that after a “wildlife orgy”one of the hosts tried to jokingly feed one of the prostitutes to a tiger but she got so frightened that she died of heart attack. In his attempt to find a connection between the victims, he investigates a cutting-edge security and surveillance firm whose director has secrets of his own to hide.
Smell of Flesh
Camera Operator
Domenico Modguno is a horn dog who loves looking up skirts and travels back to Italy to stay with his brother and wife. His brothers stepdaughter is hot and he spends most of the movie forcing himself on her, and for a change of pace her mother.
Camera Operator
The lives of two local professional dancers change suddenly as American soldiers stop in their town hoping to be entertained in accordance with the Broadway style. Effectively, they perform up to their expectations. However, as the army men have to march northward, their moment of glory finishes heartlessly.
La Tosca
Camera Operator
Rome, 1800. Napoleon threatens the power of the Church and executions of Jacobins are constant. Angelotti, the most famous of them all has escaped from prison and the chief of police is on his tail. Angelotti is being helped by a painter, lover of "La Tosca", a famous singer. The police chief suspects the truth and tries to arouse the jealousy of "La Tosca" to catch the escapee.
Who Saw Her Die?
Camera Operator
Giallo thriller about a child killer roaming the streets of Venice. The family of the latest victim begin their own investigation. Soon finding they are in way over their heads, the killer now begins to target those who have discovered too much.
Quatro Moscas Sobre Veludo Cinza
Camera Operator
O músico Roberto Tobias está sendo seguido há dias por um homem que não conhece. Ao confrontá-lo num teatro abandonado, acaba matando acidentalmente o desconhecido, e no mesmo momento uma figura mascarada fotografa o crime. A partir de então, Tobias começa a ser perseguido implacavelmente por um vilão que não pretende matá-lo, mas enlouquecê-lo aos poucos com a lembrança da culpa do ato que cometeu.
In the Name of the Father
Camera Operator
In 1958 Angelo, a rich and spoiled boy, enters a religious school, where students are tired of its vice-rector, and the strict rules and old-fashioned teaching methods of priests. Soon, Angelo exerts strong leadership among his peers and incites turmoil among them, helped by intellectual Franco and shy Camma. They expel the prefect from the school, organize a Grand Guignol show, and disappear the corpse of an old professor.
Quando as Mulheres Tinham Cauda
Camera Operator
Seven orphan cavemen grow up on a little island all by themselves. After a fire burns all vegetation they set out to find a new place to live.
A Estratégia da Aranha
Camera Operator
Um homem retorna ao lugar onde seu pai foi assassinado e tenta encontrar o fechamento. Mas, em vez disso, ele se vê numa situação semelhante a do seu falecido pai. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Por Amor ou Por Vingança
Camera Operator
A 16-year-old Sicilian becomes the target of a mafia-hit man after refusing to go through with her prearranged marriage.
Kill the Fatted Calf and Roast It
Camera Operator
After many years of living abroad, a troubled young man returns home due to the death of his father (who he suspects was actually murdered). He attempts to untangle that mystery while still carrying an unhealthy obsession toward his mother, who committed suicide ten years ago. This obsession then draws in his attractive cousin and takes a sexual turn.
Assistant Camera
A história de um canibal em um páramo medieval está entrelaçada com a do filho de um ex-industrial nazista na Alemanha moderna. O jovem alemão, que se sente mais atraído por porcos do que por sua noiva, e o canibal se tornam vítimas sacrificiais de suas diferentes sociedades.
The Day of the Owl
Assistant Camera
Set in Sicily, this violent crime drama tells the tale of an Italian cop who heads to a small island town to look into the death of a construction supplier. Once there he is shocked by the influence the Mafia has over the people and even himself.
De Punhos Cerrados
Camera Operator
Uma família disfuncional de quatro irmãos e sua mãe cega vive num vilarejo nos Montes Apeninos, na Itália. Alessandro, que sofre de epilepsia e tem sonhos vívidos, decide libertar seu irmão Augusto de sua família “anormal”, levando a todos à beira de um penhasco.
Altissima pressione
Assistant Camera
Assistant Director of Photography