Jonathan Ammon


O Retorno dos Mortos
Na tentativa desesperada de fugir do que atormenta, Rebecca vai passar uma temporada na casa de campo de seus pais no Lago Rushford. Lá começa a ter visões e descobre que existem várias pessoas que sumiram no lago. Para decifrar o mistério e impedir novos desaparecimentos, ela inicia uma corrida contra o tempo, pois a cada 13 anos o ciclo se fecha, trazendo para nosso mundo pessoas que a ele não pertencem.
Trancers 6: Life After Deth
In a return to the groundbreaking original film's premise, Jack Deth is back - traveling back in time and into the body of his own daughter, Josephine, on a mission to save her life and save the world from the most lethal Trancers yet. Jack/Jo must adapt and survive being a girl while avoiding many assassination attempts by more powerful and dangerous zombie-like Trancers than he's ever faced before.
Camp Utopia
A Manson-like cult leader disappears after freaking out and hacking up a bunch of his followers with a machete. Thirty something years later some kids come and camp out on the site of the killings. Of course, bad stuff happens.
On a hiking trip in the Italian Alps, James discovers an ancient burial cave filled with gladiator artefacts. He becomes possessed by the spirit of Tyranus, a demon gladiator, and goes on a killing spree to revive the true spirit of Demonicus. A professor, Gina, and her students are to be the sacrifices to the demon Tyranus. Can they outwit Demonicus before becoming offerings to the evil god?