Alfred Rosenberg


O Filme Perdido de Nuremberg
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Em 1945, dois jovens soldados americanos, os irmãos Budd e Stuart Schulberg, são encarregados de coletar provas filmadas e registradas dos horrores cometidos pelo infame Terceiro Reich para provar os crimes de guerra nazistas durante os julgamentos de Nuremberg (1945-46).
Goering's Catalogue
Self - Politician (archive footage)
For more than a decade, Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, Adolf Hitler's right-hand man during the infamous Third Reich, assembled a collection of thousands of works of art that were meticulously catalogued. Why did he steal entire collections, mainly those belonging to Jewish families, ultimately victims of the Shoah? Was it to satisfy his aesthetic ambitions and his insatiable personal greed or was he acting in the common interest of the Nazi rulers?
Dark Fellowships: The Vril
Self (archive footage)
Dark Fellowships attempts to uncover the truth about a bizarre occult group, whose members allegedly included many leaders of the Nazi Party, even Hitler himself.
O Triunfo da Vontade
Um registro grandioso do sexto Congresso do Partido Nazista, que aconteceu em Nuremberg no ano de 1934. No início Hitler chega de avião, e é ovacionado por multidões, que saúdam o Führer totalmente hipnotizadas. Tudo é mostrado de forma gigantesca, as paradas, os desfiles militares e os jovens que louvam a suástica parecendo em total estado de catarse.