Francisco Romero


O Farol do Fim do Mundo
Production Manager
Piratas liderados por Jonathan Kongre (Yul Brynner), tomam um farol localizado em uma pequena ilha rochosa, em algum lugar ao norte da Argentina. Com o controle das luzes do farol, eles põem em execução um plano terrível para desorientar os navios e provocar seu encalhe nos rochedos, facilitando assim seus atos de pirataria. Will Denton (Kirk Douglas), um dos membros da equipe do farol que sobrevive ao ataque dos piratas, luta desesperadamente para recuperar o controle do farol, mas a situação se complica quando Arabella (Samantha Eggar), uma sobrevivente de um dos navios é levada para a ilha.
House of 1,000 Dolls
Production Manager
When a vacationing couple in Tangiers run into an old friend there, they discover that he is searching for his missing girlfriend who has been kidnapped by an international gang of white slavers. Nader investigates but before he can come up with anything, his friend is murdered. Meanwhile, nightclub magician Price and his mentalist partner continue their nefarious activities--they hypnotize and kidnap young women for the white slavers, and spirit them to the "House of 1000 Dolls." Written by phillindholm
Run Like a Thief
Production Manager
The theft of a fortune in diamonds and the attempt by soldier of fortune Johnny Dent to outwit his pursuers who would stop at nothing to get their hands on the treasure forms the story-line. The chase reaches across the continent as Dent eludes the diamond syndicate police, a ruthless gangster, and a scheming girl in his attempt to escape.
Los celos y el duende
Assistant Production Manager
¡Aquí están las vicetiples!
Production Assistant
Carmen, Merche and Paula are three young singers living in the same pension. Every night are forced to dodge men arriving from Madrid in search of adventure. They are assisted by Don Narciso, a fellow board that has solutions for everything. What I really want is to get married and all three have found a boyfriend, but every couple has their problems.
¡Ahí va otro recluta!
Production Assistant
Cascales Orencio is a humble farmer who one day, unexpectedly, is surprised by two Air Force parachutists. After the event, and with the help of two military decides to join the volunteer corps paratrooper Sewer.Just imagine Orencio tribulations that await on the base!
El hombre de la isla
Production Assistant
Berta is a German who comes to a small fishing village to marry Lorenzo, owner of an island and that only known her through his letters. The early days of their marriage are a constant disappointment, especially when it finds that her husband has no resemblance to the author of the letters. He lives embittered by an old story and is hated by all.