Vasya and Batya have lived in the village all their lives. But one not extinguished goby of the negligent Batya leaves his son and father on the street without money and a house. In desperation, they drive to the city and find the only place where they can be 24 hours a day - a fitness club. Now a rural couple will have to become their own in the world of smoothies and Pilates and show the locals what village fitness is. And, of course, find your love.
Beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Lieutenant Adi Sharipov, together with his platoon, cover the retreat of the regimental headquarters and remain surrounded, behind enemy lines. The enemy drives the squad into the swamp. Fear of the unknown, despondency and doubt haunt the fighters until they realize that waiting and inaction will destroy the squad faster than enemy bullets.
Outono de 1941. A estudante Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya de ontem se ofereceu para uma escola de sabotagem. O destacamento de guerrilheiros, no qual Zoya estava localizada, é emboscada, e Zoya é capturada pelos alemães, enquanto tentava incendiar o celeiro. Interrogatórios e torturas não levaram a lugar nenhum. Ela não disse nada que pudesse atrapalhar a atribuição de outros grupos. Os nazistas não conseguiram nem mesmo alcançar seu nome verdadeiro - seu sacrifício não foi em vão. Seu feito inflamou milhões de corações, ajudando nossos soldados a chegar a Berlim.
Elena is a student in Minsk. She is having an intense but self-destructive love affair with Viktor. When Elena's father goes to prison she has to take charge of his business dealings to help him. She drives repeatedly into the restricted zone at Chernobyl, behind the wheel of a truck, in order to smuggle contaminated steel. The conflicts with Viktor escalate, and Elena is increasingly captivated by the zone's deceptive beauty...
Young Belarusian lad does not want to come back to Belarus after his educational visa is over. However, the circumstances forced him to do that. He reveals his native country once again. American dream turns into Belarusian one.