Eric Elmosnino

Eric Elmosnino

Nascimento : 1964-05-02, Suresnes, Hauts-de-Seine, France


Éric Elmosnino (born 2 May 1964) is a French actor and musician. He is known internationally for portraying Serge Gainsbourg in Gainsbourg, for which he won the César Award for Best Actor. He studied at the National Conservatory of Dramatic Art. After leaving the Conservatory, he worked at the Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers with Jean-Pierre Vincent. In 1992 he played Christian Ribet, a friend of Guillaume de Tonquédec, in the film Tableau d'honneur (Honour Roll) by Charles Nemes. In 2006, he played in the theater as Edward Bond, directed by Alain Francon, at the Avignon Festival and the Théâtre de la Colline in Paris. In January 2008, he performed in a show at the Theatre Antoine in Paris for Yasmina Reza's God of Carnage. Source: Article "Éric Elmosnino" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Eric Elmosnino


Notre Histoire
L’acteur de l’autre projet
Vincent tells the story of Jean, a character who is a part of him, without being him. In this story Jean meets Stacey. Among the echoes of today's society the professional and private relationship of a filmmaker and an actress at work is growing. Notre Histoire is a modern tragi-comedy, a love letter to a woman, a tribute to a neighborhood victim of terrorism, a self-portrait, a social criticism, the description of a relationship between a filmmaker and an actress, in the center of which desire and urgency to work mix.
Springtime in the French vineyards of Champagne. Patrick has gathered his oldest friends for his bachelor party. The trouble is, everyone hates his future wife. This could thus become one hellish weekend in gourmet paradise.
Victoria e Mistério
Após a morte da mãe, uma garota e seu pai se mudam para o interior, onde um amigo especial a ajuda a reencontrar a alegria de viver. Inspirado em uma história real.
L'heureux Stratagème
Ramses II
Peplum: la folle histoire du mariage de Cléopâtre
Je vais mieux
A fifty-year-old man suffers from a sore back. All the world's doctors, radiologists, and oesteopaths can do nothing for him : the roots of his illness are pyschological. But what should he change about his work, his wife and his family in order to get better ?
Endangered Species
Vincent Lamblin
The fates of three entwined families. Joséphine and Tomas have just got married. It was a joyful celebration. But soon, Joséphine’s parents will discover a darker side lurking behind the couple’s sunny happiness. Meanwhile, Mélanie tells her parents that she is pregnant but the father is not ideal.
What Are You Up To, Barbet Schroeder?
An incident with his neighbor sends director Barbet Schroeder on a quest for inner peace.
A Escola da Vida
Órfão, o pequeno Paul é adotado por uma família de trabalhadores rurais. Um dia ele conhece o caçador Totoche e os dois formam uma inesperada amizade. Passando os dias com o velho na floresta, Paul aprende sobre a vida da melhor forma possível: vivendo.
Se Eu Fosse um Homem
Quem nunca imaginou como seria estar na pele do sexo oposto, mesmo que por apenas um dia? Bem, não Jeanne! Recém-divorciada, separada dos filhos a cada duas semanas, as experiências recentes desta mulher em relação aos homens são terríveis, por isso ela simplesmente decidiu que não quer mais saber do sexo masculino. Entretanto, numa bela manhã, a sua vida está prestes a ter um cômico revés. À primeira vista, nada mudou em casa... Exceto por um detalhe! Nossa heroína tentará de alguma forma passar por essa situação no mínimo... Inusitada!
Box 27
Circumstances have forced a father and his young son to live in a garage box, but they have been spotted by someone.
Julien Lefort
Helene must act as a matchmaker for her world famous fashion designer boss, Alicia Ricosi.
A Família Bélier
Fabien Thomasson
Paula é uma adolescente francesa que enfrenta todas as questões comuns de sua idade: o primeiro amor, os problemas na escola, as brigas com os pais… Mas a sua família tem algo diferente: seu pai , sua mãe e o irmão são surdos e mudos. É Paula quem administra a fazenda familiar, e que traduz a linguagem de sinais nas conversas com os vizinhos. Um dia, ela descobre ter o talento para o canto, podendo integrar uma escola prestigiosa em Paris. Mas como abandonar os pais e os irmãos?
Best in Bed
Tristan Fersen
Raised to believe in performance and in the idea that all abilities must be optimized, Emma is a young, methodical woman who appears determined and relatively sure of herself. But two consecutive failures (real or imagined) lead her to believe that she has a real problem: she is useless in bed. Because she is more fragile than she appears, Emma hence decides to become... the best lay in Paris! She then sets out on a formidable plan of action (theory, practical, validation of acquired knowledge), which soon provokes a series of misunderstandings and disasters within her immediate vicinity. For one thing, her method doesn't turn out to be really adapted to her field of investigation. And Emma has probably also forgotten a little detail: love doesn't obey any plan. In this absurd and nutty quest, Emma will learn to let go, to lose control, and, to finally win her freedom.
Frenchmen 3
Hotel Normandy
Jacques Delboise
A recém viúva Alice recebe um presente especial de aniversário de suas amigas: três dias no Hotel Normandy. Além disso, elas pagaram um homem para seduzi-la e trazer o romance de volta para sua vida. Mas nem tudo ocorre como esperado.
Uma Loucura
François acabou de sair de um hospital para pessoas com distúrbios mentais. Seu objetivo: reconquistar Anna, o amor de sua vida.
Aconteceu em Saint-Tropez
Zef Melkowich
A relação tempestuosa de Zef com seu irmão Roni é ainda mais agravada quando Roni se casa com sua filha, assim como ele está assistindo ao funeral de sua esposa. Os dois irmãos nunca ficou com o outro. Um deles é fiel à sua religião, o outro vive apenas para o presente. Entre Londres, Paris, Saint-Tropez e Nova York, uma série de confrontos e traições ameaça levar a família mais distante, mas fora desta confusão virá uma grande história de amor, talvez até dois ...
Picture Paris
When her son leaves for college, ordinary mom plans the romantic trip of a lifetime to France with her husband. But Paris doesn't turn out to be quite what she pictured.
Anos Incríveis
It all began when camcorders replaced cameras. Making TV programs then became within everyone's reach. Jean-Lou, Yasmina, Victor, Clara, Adonis, and the others didn't only want to create their own television channel, they above all wanted to make a revolution. Thus Télé Gaucho was born, as anarchic and provocative as the main channels were conformist and reactionary. Five years of mayhem, brutal pirate TV demonstrations, drunken parties, and thwarted love.. And that was my idyllic interlude.
The Gordji Affair
Gilles Boulouque
Wahid Gordji is an Iranian diplomat suspected of the attack at 'rue de Rennes'. Yet, he is ultimately absolved when French hostages in Lebanon are released. Political scandal in France: there is suspicion that the government had intervened in the case and to have exchanged the liberation of the hostages with that of Gordj. Discredited, the judge commits suicide. Mitterand and Chirac keep lobbing the responsibility of the case to each other.
Rituels meurtriers
Bastien Bénita
O Verão do Skylab
1979. Albertine, de 10 anos, e todos os seus parentes reúnem-se na casa de família, na Bretanha, para celebrar o aniversário da avó. Todos acreditam que o SkyLab, um pedaço do foguetão da NASA, irá cair sobre as suas cabeças nesse Verão. Este encontro acaba por transformar-se num fim-de-semana louco de revelações, amor e cantorias...
A Guerra dos Botões
Maître Merlin
1960, em uma aldeia no sul da França. Um grupo de meninos, com idades entre 7 a 14 anos, é liderado por Lebrac (Vincent Bres) numa guerra contra as crianças da aldeia vizinha. Trata-se de uma batalha tradicional, realizada há gerações pelos jovens das duas aldeias. Eles lutam pela honra e lealdade, mas utilizam-se dos meios necessários para vencer. O exército de pequenos homens tenta de todas as formas não ser percebido por pais e mães, o que é complicado quando voltam para casa com as roupas rasgadas e sem botões.
La très excellente et divertissante histoire de François Rabelais
François Rabelais jeune
Léa lives in Le Havre, where she attends college whilst taking care of her elderly grandmother. To make ends meet, she works as a waitress in a night club. Her admittance to the Institute of Political Studies in Paris offers her new opportunities, but at a high price. Léa finds work as a striptease artist, so that each evening she can put into practice the theory of economic liberalism which she learns by day...
Kembs. 4284 inhabitants. Mike, Fred and J-C, twenty years old, have grown up this Alsace village at the borders of Germany and Switzerland. There's not a lot to do here. The trio charges, head down, smiling admist general indifference. They keep themselves entertained with football matches, half-baked schemes cooked up in the back of the garage, and motorbike rides. But Mike has something a bit extra : for years now, he's nursed a genuine passion for cars and has the unfortunate habit of stealing them before innocently putting the back where he found them. It's his own very personal means of locomotion. More than anything else, he loves driving them and its behind the wheel of a Porsche that he seduces Sandy. He begins a genuine love affair with her. She seems like his best chance, the most luminous one. But Mike is at that uncertain age when choices and new rules impose themselves. Will he know to accept them ?
O Gato do Rabino
Professor Soliman (voice)
Argélia, 1920. Um rabino e sua filha têm um gato mimado. Um dia, o animal come um papagaio e começa a falar. Ele acaba se revelando mentiroso, imprudente e reflexivo. Além disso, insistirá em se tornar judeu, com direito a bar-mitzvah.
All Girls Cry
Romantic drama in which a young woman must learn to live with her past in order to finally move forward.
Gainsbourg - O Homem que Amava as Mulheres
Serge Gainsbourg
Filho de judeus russos, Lucien Ginsburg passa a infância na Paris dos anos 1940, ocupada pelos nazistas. Quando jovem, é um poeta tímido que oculta suas pinturas no quarto, logo abandonado em troca da agitação dos cabarés dos anos 60. De noite em noite, dá vazão a sua voz e a seu talento de vanguarda, que o transformam no ícone subversivo Serge Gainsbourg, um dos mais importantes cantores e poetas da língua francesa. Enquanto as criaturas que habitam seu mundo dançam de forma imaginária em seu entorno, sua verve encontra eco na vida boêmia e nos amores tumultuados que tem ao longo da vida.
O Pai das Minhas Filhas
Grégoire Canvel tem tudo o que um homem pode querer: uma mulher que ama, três crianças fantásticas e um trabalho estimulante — é produtor de cinema. Os dias intensos de trabalho complementam-se com fins-de-semana em família, no campo. Mas com a sua empresa de produção no limite, com demasiados projectos, riscos, dívidas, o obstinado Grégoire começa a ceder e a fadiga rapidamente se transforma em desespero.
François Lebrun
Pauline, une riche héritière, a été mariée contre son gré par son père à un de ses employés, François, qui l'avait mise enceinte.Quand, quelques mois plus tard, son mari lui annonce qu'il veut la quitter, Pauline, furieuse, laisse sur le téléphone de ce dernier des menaces de mort.Alexis Target, un ouvrier qui travaille dans la maison de Pauline, entend la jeune femme proférer ces menaces.François meurt, le soir même, dans un accident de voiture.Le jour de l'enterrement, Alexis revient voir Pauline en affirmant qu'il a exaucé son souhait et a tué François.Alexis entre alors par effraction dans la vie de Pauline. Car lui aussi poursuit une vengeance...
Horas de Verão
Le commissaire de police
Three siblings struggle to deal with the recent death of their mother, the end of their childhoods and their unique visions for the future.
Marcelline (Valeria Bruni Tedeschi), uma atriz quarentona e solteira, inicia os ensaios de uma nova montagem teatral, dirigida por Denis (Mathieu Amalric). Atormentada pela sombra de sua personagem, ela começa a reavaliar sua vida, especialmente com a chegada de Nathalie (Noémie Lvovsky), assistente do diretor. Ao se conhecerem, as duas descobrem o quanto são parecidas...
The bird walker
Abel, the farmhand
Since childhood, the farmer's daughter Sarah Minarel neighbors considered a strange child and bullied her. When she grew up and became an attractive girl, nothing changed. But Sarah paid no attention to the antics of neighbours, because was busy with interesting work — at the request of staff taxidermist Pacton she catches a rare bird…
Marco, le destin
As Gentille opens, Fontaine Leglou is walking down a Paris street, and stops to confront a man whom she suspects is following her. She tells him he looks normal, but she's sorry, she doesn't have time to have coffee with him. When he convincingly protests that he was not following her, she apologizes and asks him to have coffee. Fontaine would seem to have a relatively good life. She works as an anesthetist at a fancy mental hospital, and she's got a live-in Nobel Prize-winning arctic scientist boyfriend, Michel, who seems to love her. But there's clearly something nagging at her. She walks around in a perpetually distracted state, and frequently mistakes other peoples' identities and their intentions. When Michel proposes to her, she needs some time to digest it before she responds.
L'oeil de l'autre
Alice is a photographer mandated by the Ministry of the Environment to photograph sites in the Alpes de Haute Provence. She replaces a renowned photographer who was doing this work and mysteriously abandoned her mission.
Green Paradise
Lucas, a young sociologist, finds in his home village two friends, Isabelle and Simon. Discovering that they almost got married ten years earlier, he sets out to bring them together again. However, Isabelle is in fact falling in love with Lucas. Written by
Zéro défaut
A car factory, assembly lines, robots. And men and women whose... Michèle moves to the night shift, with the secret hope of changing her hours to change her life. Farouk is retiring after 35 years on the line. Suddenly, the stop, the silence. Jeremie, Michèle's husband, is a team leader in the sheet metal and finishing workshop, a job that costs him too much. 13 hours to make a car. How many days for a love to be born or broken?
Philippe, a sailor, finishes a sailing race around the world, solo and nonstop. After this tour of the world, Philippe can no longer resume the rhythm of everyday life with his wife Lucie and son Vincent.
Sergio, le mécano
39 years old Jacques Monot is tired from the same vacation he and his family have every year so he decides to buy a boat.
Wanting to prove to his wife that he is cured after his brief stay in a psychiatric hospital, John insists on giving her a microwave oven.
Fim de Agosto, Começo de Setembro
Adrien e Gabriel são dois jovens que estão enfrentando dificuldades em sua amizade e em seus respectivos relacionamentos. Gabriel se sente fracassado na presença de Adrien, um escritor que ele admira. Mas a doença de Adrien unirá os dois amigos.
Life Doesn't Scare Me
A teacher
We follow how four ordinary little girls learn about life, love and all that sort of things.
Little Girls
Chemistry Teacher
Inès, Stella, Marion and Emilie are four young women who become friends and never leave each other. They band together during their teenage years. This film discusses their first meeting and what happens afterward.
le vendeur vidéo
Bernie, a 30 years old orphan, decides to leave his orphanage and find his parents. After an investigation, he meets Marion, a young heroin addict and falls in love with her. He believes that his family was victim of a plot and this is why they deserted him.
Coronel Chabert: Amor e Mentiras
Colonel Chabert has been severely wounded in the French-Russian Napoleonic war to the point that the medical examiner has signed his death certificate. When he regains his health and memory, he goes back to Paris, where his "widow", Anne has married the Count Ferraud and is financing his rise to power using Chabert's money. Chabert hires a lawyer to help him get back his money and his honor.
Le vigile
The year is 2050, in this future giving birth is nothing more than a simple formality. But the birth of Désiré will be much more painful...
Tableau d'honneur
Christian Ribet
Handsome Jules has problems with school and girls. His domineering dad doesn't make matters easier, although his mom is supportive of her only child. Contemplating an extramarital affair, Claude Jade attempts to discreetly shop for condoms, a cute twist on what is traditionally a teenage boy's awkward ordeal.
À nous les garçons
Two best friends fall in love with the same boy.
Une preuve d'amour
A beautiful, cultured Parisian nurse working in a backwards French region, ends up falling in love with a seemingly crass farmer. She finds out that he actually is very intelligent, and she tries to help him to study again.
C'est le monde à l'envers !