Pascal Elso

Pascal Elso

Nascimento : 1955-07-31, Paris, France


Pascal Elso is a French actor. He is actor, comedian, director and acting teacher on several cinema school. He had been choreographer, clown, mime Source: Article "Pascal Elso" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Pascal Elso


Grand Expectations
Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.
Les lendemains de veille
Les lendemains de veille tells the story of Vincent, Malo, Lola, Matéo, Blaise and Xavier. At the time they were young and had a dream, that of living together; free and autonomous. And this dream had a name: "The community of the days before." However, their group ended up doing like everyone else and they gradually lost sight of each other. They hadn't made a date in the future, but the death of one of their own decided otherwise.
Lead Me Home
Officer Othman
Four persecutors. Four victims. Appearances can be deceiving. Monsters are not as dangerous as the people behind them.
Entre les tombes
Charles is an old and lonely cemetery keeper. One night at closing time, a visitor calls him out: He's looking for his biological mom's grave. Charles doesn't recognize the dead woman's name, but confronted to that man's distress and determination, he decides to help him. There starts an unusual night for both of them.
Dje arrives in Paris penniless, relying on his charm to get by. He seizes every opportunity which comes his way, even if it means killing.
Uma Lição de Esperança
French Policeman
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um homem judeu evita ser enviado para um campo de concentração alegando ser persa. Quando um oficial militar alemão pede que fale farsi, ele deve fingir falar o idioma para garantir sua sobrevivência.
La Loi de Marion
Docteur Bertrand, le psy
Jeunesse aux cœurs ardents
David, 20, makes robberies with his friends. One of their victim is a former soldier of the Algerian war. Fascinated and admiring, David is gradually getting closer to the old man: from their friendship will be born his new vocation.
Ride Sally Ride
The Oldman
A few months after their breakup, Alice and Samuel meet at a diner's parking lot to return the last of their belongings. An unexpected confession disrupts their tense reunion. Between rekindled love and the ghosts from the past, where will this night lead them?
La morsure des dieux
Sébastien, a great lover of his land in the Basque Country, is alone in taking care of the family farm as worries pile up. Sebastien falls in love with his new neighbor, Juliette, as Catholic as he is Pagan.
Les brumes du souvenir
Serge is a winner, he sells kitchen furniture like hot cakes. His son, Gérald, who has just lost his restaurant, applies for a job in his dad's firm. It's Gerald's wish but it's Serge's reality and you do not become a top salesman overnight.
Agnus Dei
The Colonel
No final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, na Polônia, a enfermeira francesa Mathilde (Lou de Laâge) descobre que as freiras moradoras de um convento vizinho foram estupradas por soldados invasores. Muitas delas estão grávidas. Apesar da ordem de prestar socorro apenas aos franceses, Mathilde começa a tratar secretamente de todas as freiras e madres. Ela deve enfrentar os julgamentos das próprias pacientes, que se sentem culpadas por terem violado o voto de castidade, e se recusam a ter o corpo tocado por quem quer que seja, mesmo uma enfermeira.
Looking for Her
Elisa, on a verge of divorce, leaves Paris with her son Noe to settle in her hometown of Dunkerque to find the biological mother who gave her up for adoption 30 years before.
Joseph Elso
A police superintendent, after 25 years of a flawless professional career, is arrested by internal affairs for 4 days, before being indicted for criminal conspiracy, drug trafficking, theft and embezzlement by the magistrate in charge.
Home Suite Home
Ludwig is an aging hotel inspector who’s become bored with his luxury lifestyle. When he meets a young woman in Paris, it might just be the wake-up call he needed.
Benjamin is at war: with life, with adults, with himself. From his earliest childhood onwards, the 13-year old has been shunted from one care home to another. When his mother has to go to prison, he is sent to his father, whom he has never known. The man turns out to be a dead loss, a warehouseman who's given up on life, a man in his mid-40s who still lives with his Moroccan parents in a high-rise block in the banlieue. Benjamin's turbulence and violence soon prove too much for his new family.
A Lista dos Meus Desejos
Até que ponto o dinheiro traz felicidade? Jocelyne é uma mulher de meia-idade que sempre teve uma vida modesta e pacata. Mora há décadas numa pequena cidade francesa com o marido, tem um armarinho e escreve um blog sobre costura que, sem suspeitar, é cada dia mais lido. Um dia, pressionada por amigas, Jo decide apostar na loteria e ganha, sozinha, 18 milhões de euros, podendo comprar tudo o que deseja. Com isso, surge um medo: perder sua vida de prazeres simples, que ela preza acima de tudo. É o início de uma reviravolta em sua vida.
Ça va passer... mais quand?
André Laubier
Sophie and Patrick are a well-off couple who are offered the prospect of changing their city by Patrick's rise to work. The problems of the transfer are joined by a larger one, their daughter is in the midst of a teenage crisis and turns family life into hell
Ce monde est fou
Dois adolescentes, Manuel e Romain, brigam depois das aulas. Manuel acerta Romain, que cai e fratura a clavícula. Nada dramático, a priori. Mas, por princípio, a mãe de Romain resolve dar queixa. E uma altercação banal entre dois meninos vai tomar proporções drásticas...
La fille publique
Directeur Antellon
Since she was three months old, Yasmeen has been living with a foster family. Seventeen years have passed by and unbreakable bonds of love have formed between her and her parents and siblings. When Yasmeen is about to be adopted and officially recognised as a member of the family, a woman starts hassling her, claiming to be her mother.
Les pirogues des hautes terres
Eleonora, A Intrépida
Órfã depois do assassinato da família, Éléonore é adotada pelo ferreiro, que a inicia no manejo das armas. 1682. Éléonore tem 20 anos, um caráter firme e um santo horror à injustiça.
Paul Deschanel
Café de Flore
Numa montagem paralela, o filme conta duas histórias distintas, que se passam em cidades, países e épocas diferentes. Uma delas se passa em Paris, nos anos 60, e relata a relação quase doentia de uma mãe e de um filho portador da Síndrome de Down. A outra se passa em 2011 em Montreal, no Canadá, e conta a história de um homem divorciado que, acreditando ter achado o amor da sua vida enquanto ainda criança, se surpreende ao ser arrebatado por um novo louco amor sem muita explicação para acontecer.
Accident de Parcours
Certa manhã, muito cedo, Emmanuel, jornalista, atravessa um vilarejo de carro e atropela mortalmente uma criança. Sem testemunhas, ele foge. Quando seu jornal o encarrega de cobrir o acidente, Emmanuel, corroído pela culpa e o medo, esforça-se para afastar as suspeitas com suas reportagens
Esposa Perdida
Christian Baumann
A policeman takes his family on a holiday, and after almost hitting a wild hog, the car won't start. They get hike with a guy scrutinizing his pretty wife. Shortly after, she disappears.
La Femme qui pleure au chapeau rouge
Paul Éluard
The story of the relationship between Dora Maar and Pablo Picasso
Uma mulher manda seu amante para a prisão acusando-o de estupro de sua filha. Após 15 anos, ele volta para provar sua inocência e a mulher é encontrada morta.
Inimigo Público nº 1: Parte 2
Commissioner SRPJ
Após voltar para a Europa, o criminoso Jacques Mesrine retoma a vida de assaltos e desafia autoridades. O gângster ganha fama de celebridade, mas subestima a polícia.
Mark of an Angel
L'homme du bar
Elsa, a woman with a long history of depression in the midst of a divorce from her husband of 12 years develops an obsession with a seven year old girl she sees at a birthday party when she comes to pick up her son Thomas. Determined to find out more about the girl, Elsa uses Thomas as a way into the girl's family by aiding to develop a friendship between Thomas and the girl's brother Jeremy so that in turn Elsa can then befriend the girl's mother Claire. She uses Thomas more and more in her pursuit of this obsession telling her employer and fellow employees that Thomas is seriously ill so that she can run off watch the girl (Lola) wherever she goes. Elsa even tells her parents lies that she is going out with a friend so they will baby-sit so Elsa can even go as far as hiding in the bushes outside of Lola's house and watching her at night.
Le 7ème juré
Capitaine Valard
Two Worlds
Serge Vitali
A French tradesman travels in time and liberates an oppressed tribe in another world.
Moi, Louis enfant de la mine - Courrières 1906
O Bosque das Ilusões Perdidas
A coming-of-age story set in France in the years leading up to World War I. Two teenage boys experience love, loss, anguish and betrayal in a rural setting of great beauty.
Le temps de la désobéissance
In 1942, Edouard and Lucas are two childhood friends, both policemen in Nancy in different police stations. Soon the beautiful friendship between the two policemen will shatter with all the suffering and disappointment that implies.
Galilée ou L'amour de Dieu
Le Dominicain
Before the court of the Inquisition, the scientist Galileo defends his position in favor of Copernicus' thesis that the Earth revolves around the sun.
Ventos da Paixão
Abbé Courtois
No clímax da turbulência política na França entre republicanos e católicos, um jovem professor e uma ativista se apaixonam e se casam em um romance impossível que não conhece fronteiras. Através da esperança, resiliência e amor, eles ajudarão a moldar o futuro de seu país.
Thirty-Five Something
Three women in their late thirties, one with marital problems, one trying to be perfect, and a spinster, discuss their relationship to men.
Le Dirlo: Lucie
François, director of a primary school, teaches third graders. It's a demanding position, leaving him little time for his private life. But he is committed. At the beginning of the school year, his daughter has come to stay with him. Laura is 14 and has arrived from Tahiti with her mother for the first time after his separation, shaking up his calm existence. In the school courtyard, behind the playful games and laughter of the kids, their cries mask problems they struggle with on a day to day basis. Francois is more than a teacher, he's a friend and a protector.
Le Dirlo
Zéro défaut
A car factory, assembly lines, robots. And men and women whose... Michèle moves to the night shift, with the secret hope of changing her hours to change her life. Farouk is retiring after 35 years on the line. Suddenly, the stop, the silence. Jeremie, Michèle's husband, is a team leader in the sheet metal and finishing workshop, a job that costs him too much. 13 hours to make a car. How many days for a love to be born or broken?
Teacher in a Bikini
le pompiste
Old buddies Eric, Jean and Karim have never really grown up. Spending their listless days and nights in the same Lyon suburb where they were raised, the men are always looking for distractions. So when Jean steals a television camera one afternoon, the trio decide to head into the city in the hopes of pawning it. But their funny idea of an adventure turns out to be a ticket into trouble.
Madame De...
Le médecin
The action takes place in Paris in the 30-ies. The Countess Louise de... has made debts and she urgently needed cash. She decided to sell the family jeweler Remy earrings — a gift from her husband…
Girls Can't Swim
Gwen is a teenager living in a small coastal town. Lise is her best friend, a city girl who comes every year with her family to spend the summer. This year things are different though; at first Lise might not come at all, and when she does it is obvious that Gwen grew up faster than she did.
À mort la mort !
The idea for this film about a generation and its lost ideals came to Romain Goupil after attending several funerals of friends in the fall of 1996, where the '68 generation, now in influential positions in media or politics, kept meeting each other. It seemed as if the revolution that they had tried to make was being buried with each coffin. A MORT LA MORT is in some ways an homage to this generation, now in their fifties. They were a privileged generation that thought that they could change the world, doing everything that their parents failed to do. There were no actual deaths in France as there were in Germany or Italy, but the system was not ideal for personal issues or for love. There was always a scapegoat for the injustices of the world, be it capitalism or imperialism. That way the blame could be placed somewhere else. Some of the '68 generation are still faithful to the principles of their youth and still continue to fight for the illusions of the past.
Bonnes vacances
They're broke and they're going on vacation in a cave, an economical solution...
Alors voilà,
A trucker, an accountant, a former plumber hospitalised after a suicide attempt... Presided over by the accountant, the three families decide to buy a truck, a trucker's dream. The father, practical joker, and larger-than-life lover, keeps a watchful eye. The children are his accomplices. One is his heroine. His daughter is his other heroine. A puzzle of life's desires in which all veers into the imaginary, into dreams of far-off lands.
Eugénie Grandet
Cruchot de Bonfons
When the daughter of the miserly cooper Grandet is up for marriage, both families Des Grassins and Cruchot want to marry their sons to her and her substantial dowry. But the girl shows more interest in the impoverished cousin, whom she entrusts her entire fortune to.
Dispute in Valladolid
Frère Emiliano
Spain conquered the seas, found a new world and different realities than the one known in Europe. But a question needed to be answered with what they found in those new territories: do the Indians have souls? The Church, bound to protect and convert the natives and the conquerors who treated them like slaves and thought they were only merchandising, expose their arguments and reasonings at what would be known as the Vallidolid controversy. Between them, there's a cardinal hearing both parts and trying to get reasonable answers from this critical question.
A Vida e nada mais
Em 1920, na França, Irene procura o marido, desaparecido durante a Guerra. Seus caminhos se cruzam com os do Comandante Dellaplane, chefe do Bureau de Soldados Desaparecidos. O encontro pode representar uma nova chance para ambos.
A Revolta do Amor
After a successful bank robbery, Micky hopes to take back his girlfriend Marie who has been taken from him. On the way to Paris he meets Leon, a neurotic dreamer whom he considers an idiot. Leon can hardly understand what Micky is up to but he follows him everywhere and soon falls in love with Marie.