Veronica and Alexander, the young family of Ukrainian artists, trapped in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, decided to escape to Vancouver, Canada. This film follows them while they wait for visa in the Fall of 2013.
Director of Photography
Veronica and Alexander, the young family of Ukrainian artists, trapped in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, decided to escape to Vancouver, Canada. This film follows them while they wait for visa in the Fall of 2013.
Veronica and Alexander, the young family of Ukrainian artists, trapped in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, decided to escape to Vancouver, Canada. This film follows them while they wait for visa in the Fall of 2013.
Veronica and Alexander, the young family of Ukrainian artists, trapped in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, decided to escape to Vancouver, Canada. This film follows them while they wait for visa in the Fall of 2013.
Assistant Editor
Apesar de ser constantemente humilhada pela madrasta fútil e as maldosas irmãs postiças, uma jovem aspirante a cantora acaba vivenciando um verdadeiro milagre de Natal.