Jack Sharp


Os Demônios
Spectator (uncredited)
Ambientado durante o violento regime católico que tomava conta da França nos idos de 1631, parte da suposta possessão de uma madre-superiora cujas fantasias sexuais com o mais proeminente padre do vilarejo de Loudon resulta num dos mais sangrentos episódios daquela era.
O Estrangulador de Rillington Place
Baseado no caso da vida real do assassino em série britânico John Christie, e o que aconteceu com seus vizinhos Tim e Beryl Evans. Londres, 1949. John Christie é um homem modesto, de meia-idade que, junto com sua esposa Ethel, vive no apartamento térreo no 10 Rillington Place. Seu comportamento mascara o fato de ser um assassino em série. Seu modus operandi é agir como uma pessoa com algum conhecimento médico, atraindo mulheres inocentes para seu apartamento para cura-los de alguma doença, deixa-los inconscientes com o gás monóxido de carbono, se satisfazer sexualmente com o corpo inconsciente, e em seguida estrangular a vítima e descartar o corpo em algum lugar. e 16.
Ana dos Mil Dias
Monk (uncredited)
O rei Henrique VIII (Richard Burton) apaixona-se pela jovem Anna Bolena (Geneviève Bujold). Casado com Catarina de Aragão, que não lhe deu um herdeiro homem, não mede esforços para ficar com Anna, rompendo com a Igreja Católica e criando a Igreja Anglicana. Mas Anna também não consegue lhe dar seu tão esperado filho homem. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Lawrence da Arábia
Mourner (uncredited)
Graças ao seu conhecimento dos beduínos, o oficial britânico T.E. Lawrence é enviado à Arábia para encontrar o príncipe Faisal e servir de ligação entre árabes e ingleses na luta contra os turcos. Com a ajuda do nativo xerife Ali, Lawrence se rebela contra as ordens de seus superiores e enfrenta uma jornada através do deserto para atacar um porto turco bem protegido.
Patrulha Fantasma
Churchgoer (Uncredited)
O Capitão Collier e sua tripulação são chamados para uma localidade onde há suspeitas de contrabando, porém o local guarda um misterioso segredo nos seus pântanos assombrados por fantasmas que afastam os curiosos de lá.
There Was a Crooked Man
Town Hall Meeting Audience
When a law-abiding demolition expert is duped by a gang of criminals into helping them he is caught and jailed. When he is released he goes straight and then notices a leading citizen in his town is cheating his neighbours.
The Whole Truth
Film Studio Stagehand
On the French Riviera, movie producer Max Poulton is on location shooting a film starring his lover, Gina Bertini. But when the rueful Max ends his fling with Gina to return to his loyal wife, Carol, the jilted actress threatens to reveal details of their affair to Carol. Later, at a party at Max's villa, investigator Carliss arrives with news that Gina has been killed and that Max is a murderer suspect.
Violent Playground
Mechanic (uncredited)
A Liverpool juvenile liaison officer struggles with a young and dangerous pyromaniac.
Meu Reino, Minha Vida
Given only six months to live, Englishman Bruce Campbell goes to Canada to claim "Campbell's Kingdom", the land he inherited from his grandfather. In order to clear his grandfather's name and prove there is oil on the land, Campbell must face up to a ruthless contractor and work against the clock to find oil before "Campbell's Kingdom" is flooded by a new power dam.
A Brutal Aventura
A woman hires soldier-of-fortune Carson to smuggle her into Albania by way of Greece. Their trouble is just beginning when they get there.
A Rua da Esperança
Wrestling Match Spectator (uncredited)
Joe is a young boy who lives with his mother, Joanna, in working-class London. The two reside above the tailor shop of Mr. Kandinsky, who likes to tell Joe stories. When Kandinsky informs Joe that a unicorn can grant wishes, the hopeful lad ends up buying a baby goat with one tiny horn, believing it to be a real unicorn. Undaunted by his rough surroundings, Joe sets about to prove that wishes can come true.
Punhos Traiçoeiros
Boxing drama following the lives of 5 different fighters and their reasons for becoming boxers.
Fanny by Gaslight
Carriage Driver (uncredited)
Returning to 1870's London after finishing at boarding school, Fanny winesses the death of her father in a fight with Lord Manderstoke. She then finds that her family has for many years been running a bordello next door to their home. When her mother dies shortly after, she next discovers that her real father is in fact a well-respected politician. Meeting him and then falling in love with his young advisor Harry Somerford leads to a life of ups and downs and conflict between the classes. Periodically the scoundrel of a Lord crosses her path, always to tragic effect.
The Next of Kin
Warden (uncredited)
Wartime propaganda piece giving the warning "Be like Dad, Keep Mum". A gossipy housewife is overheard talking about what her son is doing by a Nazi spy.