This film is a tribute to love, a tribute to cinema. Our two main characters take us with them into the intimacy of "real people". We cross the roads of France with them, in their different vans and pick-up trucks transformed for the occasion into mini movie studios. Their concept: to film "declarations of love" and to deliver them directly by van to their recipients. And we discover, as we go along, that our duo and their own personal adventures are subtly intertwined with the people they film. This mix of genres offers several universes to the spectator in order to make him question himself about love.
Camille, cloistered at home for more than a year, escapes into video games, dance, manga and drawing. Among her drawings, we discover MYO, her double, stronger and more extroverted than her. A character that she created and that she "integrates" to face the outside world. One morning, under pressure from her mother, Camille decides to end her lack of understanding of society and the world around her and walks out of her apartment with the ambition to end her life. Fortunately, thanks to the different people she will meet along the way, far from her bitterness, she will finally find the sweet taste of life.
Homens engenhosos têm o objetivo de manter relações sexuais com mulheres atraentes que não são suas esposas. Aqui recriam inúmeras situações, onde uns conseguem facilmente, enquanto outros enfrentarão loucas dificuldades.
Hôtesse mairie
28 anos Stéphanie Vasseur sente como todos os seus sonhos se tornaram realidade. Jovem, bonito, e ansioso para ter sucesso na vida, ela acaba de ser contratado como o novo editor-chefe da revista "glam" de prestígio da moda. Ela acha que alcançou a felicidade perfeita após a proposta de Grégoire de Rougemont, um advogado bem-educado. Mas há um problema: para chegar onde ela está, Stéphanie mentiu sobre seu passado, suas origens de classe de trabalho eo fato de que ela ainda está casada com seu ex, Alex, que ainda está no Norte da França. Agora, sem o conhecimento de Grégoire e seu pai desconfiado, ela deve voltar para Calais para finalmente se divorciar de Alex. Lá, a região está em crise depois da fábrica rendas fechadas, e face-a-face com suas raízes, Stéphanie começa a duvidar da razão pela qual ela voltou.
Woman of the Train
Ariane is convinced that her boyfriend, Jean-Jacques, is having fantasies about another woman, Élisabeth. In an attempt to save their relationship, Ariane encourages Jean-Jacques to pursue Élisabeth, believing that this is the best way to free him from his own desires. Jean-Jacques presents himself at Élisabeth's house, not realising that she is the daughter of the French President.