Frank Farrelli takes on the job as a middle man in the God-forsaken town of Karmack, USA, a community in a depression so deep that they need a middle man to professionally communicate more of the bad news.
When he spies on his partner, Camil discovers something sinister: a cult with white robes and strange rituals. Sebastian Mihăilescu’s experimental narrative cinema plays with myths, gender roles, and the set pieces of the horror genre.
Centuries in the future, world's freshwater supplies are running out. Wars are waged over water, and China rules over Europe, including the Scandinavian Union. Far in the north, young woman, Noria, is learning to become a Tea Master, like her father. Tea Masters alone know the location of hidden water sources, including the natural spring that Noria’s father tends, which once provided water for her whole village. After her father dies, the military moves in to watch over the village -- and Noria. Refusing to give in her freshwater spring, Noria digs in deeper into her family’s secret. Within the Tea Masters’ books, she finds information that the government’s power is based on lies, that there still might be fresh water left for everyone. She risks her own life and sets out on a dangerous journey to find out if this is true.
Uma astronauta francesa em treinamento é convocada para uma missão oficial. Ela precisa deixar sua filha de sete anos com o pai e seguir viagem para o espaço junto com outros dois homens, um americano e outro russo. Desde o anúncio de sua convocação até depois da partida, ela passa a lidar diariamente com as dificuldades de ser mulher em um mundo dominado por homens incapazes de compreender os sentimentos ligados à maternidade e ao íntimo feminino.