Patrick Préjean

Patrick Préjean

Nascimento : 1944-06-04, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Val-de-Marne, France


Patrick Préjean (born 4 June 1944) is a French actor, known especially for his work in dubbing. He has also made a career in boulevard theatre. He is the son of the actor Albert Préjean and the actress Lysiane Rey, and is the father of actress Laura Préjean. Source: Article "Patrick Préjean" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Patrick Préjean


The Bouvier-Sauvages, a large aristocratic family, meet the much more modest Martin family when their children's wedding is announced. For the occasion, the future bride and groom offer their parents DNA tests, which will reveal their true origins. The results are totally unexpected and will make the effect of a bomb.
Fernandel, Jacques Tati, Bourvil, Louis de Funès - Les rois de la comédie
Narrateur (voix)
Le Défi de Noël
Ashley Leroy is the first french football player to ever win the Ballon d'or. To put and end to her successful career, she decides to play at En Avant Guingamp. But, after a great first season, the next one is complicated. Unable to score a single goal, the press says she's too old and the club's president want to transfer her. Then, during the few weeks before Christmas, Ashley will leave for a journey and meet someone inexpected.
La Légende
The Consolation
Victim of vertigo and unexplained discomfort, Flavie, a television host, resolves to consult a psychiatrist. The latter suggests a test of the past that she would have concealed and proposes to browse together a photo-album of her childhood. The cliché of a teenager with a sad look will wake up buried memories ...
Père Raphaël
In the middle of the night, Léo wakes up his best friend Raphaël. His car has broken down an hour away from Paris. No way is Raphaël going to pick him up, that is until the woman of his dreams kicks him out of bed. Once he gets to where Léo is waiting, he discovers there is no breakdown, but what is there waiting for Raphaël?
Mune, O Guardião da Lua
le père de Cire (voice)
Em um mundo de imaginação, Mune é um ser mágico designado para tomar conta das estrelas. Mas uma série de desastres vai fazer com que o pior aconteça.
Un point c'est tout !
Piccolo, Saxo & Cie
Grand-père Basson et Baryton (voice)
A collection of brass and string instruments band together to form a grand symphonic orchestra, then embark on a mission to find the evil doctor who stole some of their other instruments and musical notes so he could build the perfect instrument.
Célimène et le cardinal
Renart, a Raposa
Chanteclair (voice)
Renart é uma esperta raposa que consegue escapar de todas as confusões. Desta vez está tentando se livrar das garras de um burro e do lobo Ysengrin, que querem capturá-la porque ela achou, por acaso, o mapa para um grande tesouro. Com a ajuda de Rufus, um pequeno e engraçado rato com grande personalidade, eles embarcam em uma missão para encontrar o tesouro, que é guardado por um monstro em uma caverna.
Little Darling
Thirty year old virgin Sybille meets the man of her dreams. Or is he?
O castelo dos macacos
Gorine (Voice)
Kom is from a tribe of monkeys who live in a canopy. He rejects elders' authority as well as the superstition that the lower world would be inhabited by demons. But he accidentally falls from the trees…
Le diable en sabots
Oui patron!
L'inspecteur Mathieu
O Castelo de Minha Mãe
Dominique, gardener
É uma continuação e peça complementar do filme A Glória de Meu Pai (1990), ambas baseadas nas lembranças de infância de Marcel Pagnol. Como seu antecessor, o filme explora as aventuras do jovem Marcel durante seus verões na casa de verão da família em Provence.
Asterix e a Grande Luta
Optione (voice)
A única coisa que realmente põe medo nos gauleses é a possibilidade do céu cair sobre suas cabeças... E parece que isso vai acontecer... Uma terrível tempestade assola a vila e, para piorar, o druida Panoramix é atingido acidentalmente por Obelix com uma pedra gigante, e fica inconsciente. Ao acordar, não se lembra de praticamente nada, em especial da fórmula de sua poção mágica. Agora, Asterix e Obelix terão de defender a vila por conta própria.
Quelle famille !
Move Over, Mrs. Markham
La berlue
Colonel Frank Harder
Louis lives alone with his father. When he tries to find his past, he is met with refusals. One day, Louis understands everything, or rather he believes. What if he had been fooled?
Asterix e a Surpresa de César
Superbus (voice)
Asterix e Obelix se alistam no exército romano para salvar dois jovens gauleses que foram sequestrados. Passando por vários apuros eles terão que enfrentar gladiadores no grande e famoso Coliseu. Será que desta vez Asterix e Obelix falharão?
O Louco, Louco Mundo do Gendarme
Quatro novas gendarmes jovens chegam à delegacia do Gendarme Cruchot (Louis de Funès) com o objetivo de aprender a profissão com os melhores.
Signé Furax
Le plombier / Le marchand de musique
The notorious and mysterious criminal Furax steals France's famous monuments, replacing them with replicas.
La Faute
Docteur Argelès
La maîtresse de bridge
Victor Bridge
La main coupée
Blaise Cendrars
Drôles de zèbres
Two unemployed men, heavily in debt due to losses at the racetrack, are hired by a criminal mastermind to harass the guests of a hotel he hopes to purchase at a below-market price in order to access a tunnel below the building that leads directly to a nearby bank.
La bagatelle
Sex comedy based on a novel by Jacques Chaumelle and the director.
The Dangerous Mission
Le sergent
1944. A young French soldier is involved, without really wanting it, into American operations for Liberation.
Clad in a featureless red mask, The Man Without A Face is involved in a single-minded pursuit of the fabled treasure of the Knights Templar in this tribute to the pulp adventure stories of Louis Feuillade.
Par ici la monnaie
A group of con-artists set up their own toll road.
Les Rois Maudits
Pierre de Cressay
Set during the reigns of the last five kings of the Capetian dynasty and the first two kings of the House of Valois, Tha Accursed Kings begins as the French King Philip the Fair, already surrounded by scandal and intrigue, brings a curse upon his family when he persecutes the Knights Templar. The succession of monarchs that follows leads France and England to the Hundred Years' War.
Armadilha para um Lobo
un prétendant
Jean-Paul Belmondo plays Paul, a former womanizer who marries the head of the medical department's "unattractive" daughter Christine because he thinks attractive women can't be trusted and make poor wives. A car accident leaves him bedridden and he begins to miss his playboy days, when Christine's bombshell sister Martine arrives and Paul decides he must have her. He begins drugging Christine at night so he can sneak out to kill of Martine's many suitors one by one.
As Petroleiras
Duas famílias de criminosos disputam a liderança de Bougival Junction. A família de Marie comanda a cidade até aparecerem os filhos do lendário criminoso Frenchie King. Liderados por Louise, eles querem assumir o rancho que receberam de herança.
As Petroleiras
Luc Sarrazin
Duas famílias de criminosos disputam a liderança de Bougival Junction. A família de Marie comanda a cidade até aparecerem os filhos do lendário criminoso Frenchie King. Liderados por Louise, eles querem assumir o rancho que receberam de herança.
Aventuras de um Casal no Ano Dois
Nicolas Philibert goes to America after killing a French aristocrat. On his return he tries to divorce his wife, Charlotte, but when he sees others trying to woo her his own interest is rekindled.
Pele de Asno
Uma fada madrinha ajuda uma princesa a se disfarçar para que ela não tenha que se casar com seu pai.
Un merveilleux parfum d'oseille
O Super Cérebro
Belgian sergeant
Arthur and Anatole are two little robbers. They want to rob money, money that will travel in a special train from Paris to Bruxelles. They don't know that other people have planned to do the same thing.
The Tattoo
Le détective nº 1
An art dealer wants to buy a Modigliani, which is tattooed on the back of an old soldier.
The Hotshots
Lucien Médard, le beau-frère de Jules
A story about inventor who invented a cool bike and goes on racing competition but has a lot of problems on his way.
Tropa de Choque: Um Homem a Mais
A French resistance group frees twelve captured soldiers from a German prison camp, but apparently there is an additional prisoner among them who is suspected of being an enemy spy.
Deux Romains en Gaule
Le légionnaire de faction
This film is directly inspired by Asterix, created by René Goscinny and Albert UDERZO, chronicles the adventures of a little boy, Antoine, entered the world of antiquity by studying its history lesson and two Romans, and TICKETBUS PROSPECTUS, who prefer to leave their life of legionnaires and discover the lifestyle of Gaulois.Antoine meeting Asterix cartoon form, which explains certain peculiarities of life in Lutetia.
Brigade Anti Gangs
Beau Môme
The struggle between a ruthless leader of a bank robbers - Raymond Pellegrin - and the cops who are determined to put him in jail for long.
The Three Musketeers
Récitant / Narrator (2001)
A 14-episode silent adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' The Three Musketeers.