Bernard J. Kingham


O Clube dos Monstros
Executive Producer
A vampire attacks a horror author on the street and then invites him to a nearby club as a gesture of gratitude, which turns out to be a meeting place for assorted creatures of the night. The vampire then regales him with three stories, each interspersed with musical performances at the club.
Hawk the Slayer
Executive Producer
Hawk the Slayer, after seeing both his father and bride die at the hands of his malevolent brother, Voltan, sets out for revenge and the chance to live up to his title. Tooling himself up with the "mind-sword" and recruiting a motley band of warriors: a giant, a dwarf, a one-armed man with a machine-crossbow and an elf with the fastest bow in the land; Hawk leads the battle against Voltan to free the land from the forces of evil and avenge his loved ones.
A Terra Prometida - A Verdadeira História de Moisés
Executive Producer
Egito, ano de 1300 A.C. Sob o reinado do Faraó Ramsés II, ordenou-se a morte de todos os recéns nascidos varões. Porém, um deles sobreviveu ao ser recolhido das águas do rio pela família do Faraó. Seu nome era Moisés, salvo das águas. Ao crescer, Moisés se converteria no emissário de Deus, e seria o encarregado de guiar o povo de Israel ao seu destino prometido.