Jean-Michel Defaye


Colargol na Dzikim Zachodzie
Several episodes from the series Przygody misia Colargola edited into a single movie.
Prêtres interdits
Original Music Composer
La brigade en folie
Original Music Composer
A police brigade and a financial brigade are sent to Switzerland to dismantle a banking sector.
Sublime Renúncia
Max é um detetive de Paris, distante, independente, rico e frustrado por bandos de ladrões a quem ele não consegue pegar. Para restabelecer seu prestígio ele decide induzir um grupo de pequenos ladrões (liderados por um conhecido antigo) a roubar um banco. Um capitão relutante fornece para Max a inteligência e Max começa a passar as noites com Lilly, uma prostituta que é a namorada do líder dos ladrões. Ele se apresenta como um rico banqueiro com dinheiro para queimar e encoraja Lilly a pensar sobre o futuro dela. Ele tagarela sobre uma folha de pagamento que vem através de seu banco. A trama funciona, os pequenos ladrões pensam que estão prontos para um grande golpe, e os policiais estão à postos. O que poderia dar errado com o frio plano de Max? Quem será apanhado?
Operation San Pietro
Small time crook Napoleone falls into an unlikely gang made up of a gangster, called The Baron, and his two cohorts, Agonia and The Captain, where Napoleone takes them to Rome where they shack up with a shady used car dealer caled Il Cajella to help finance their new life of crime by planing to rob a statue from the Vatican. But a big-time American gangster, named Joe Ventura, hears about the heist and wants the priceless statue for himself by having his mistress, Samantha, come onto and betray the woman-hungry Cajella to give the statue away to her.
Circus Angel
Philippe Avron plays a bumbling burglar whose crime career is a textbook case of failure. One evening, Avron comes upon an abandoned nightgown. Upon donning the garment, he feels he has been transformed into an angel. Avron then joins a strange circus, whence he hopes to dispense goodwill to the other misfits of the world. As with the other works of director Albert Lamorisse (The Red Balloon) Lamorisse, it is virtually impossible to determine where reality leaves off and fantasy takes over in Circus Angel, a fact that was instrumental in the film's winning a "Best Special Effects" award at the Cannes Film Festival.
As Duas Faces da Felicidade
Original Music Composer
Um carpinteiro ama sua mulher, seus filhos e a natureza. Em seguida, ele encontra uma outra mulher, funcionária dos correios, que adiciona felicidade à sua felicidade. Sempre apaixonado por sua mulher, ele não quer se privar, nem se esconder, nem mentir.
Casamento a Propósito
Léonard Monestier owns a large fortune, alas his wife Cynthia made a bad investment in a worthless oil concession. Far from letting this get him down, Léonard decides to find a sucker to buy this concession from him. Right on cue appears Antoine Brévin, a befuddled billionaire who is very interested in Léonard's beautiful daughter Patricia and would do anything to win her hand...
People in Luck
A light French comedy of 5 segments.
The Army Game
Jean Lerat begins his military service at an army camp. Despite his aunt’s attempts to pull a few strings to his advantage, the unfortunate Lerat manages to get on the wrong side of his bullying colonel…