Lizi Gelber


School of Hope
In the vast expanse of desert East of Atlas Mountains in Morocco, seasonal rain and snow once supported livestock, but now the drought seems to never end. Hardly a blade of grass can be seen, and families travel miles on foot to get water from a muddy hole in the ground. Yet the children willingly ride donkeys and bicycles or walk for miles across rocks to a "school of hope" built of clay. Following both the students and the teachers in the Oulad Boukais Tribe's community school for over three years, SCHOOL OF HOPE shows students Mohamed, Miloud, Fatima, and their classmates, responding with childish glee to the school's altruistic young teacher, Mohamed. Each child faces individual obstacles - supporting their aging parents; avoiding restrictions from relatives based on traditional gender roles - while their young teacher makes do in a house with no electricity or water.
Cocaine Prison
From inside Bolivia's craziest prison a cocaine worker, a drug mule and his little sister reveal the countries relationship with cocaine.
For a Son
Sunita, a middle-aged Sri Lankan woman, lives with her teenage son on the outskirts of a northern Italian city where she works as a caregiver. The relationship between mother and son is fraught with tension and silence. Having grown up in Italy, the boy is a cultural hybrid his mother struggles to understand, as she fights to live in a country to which she does not want to belong.
Sacro GRA
Associate Producer
Sacro GRA acompanha as histórias daqueles que vivem ao redor do anel rodoviário de Roma: a Grande Raccordo Anulare.
Un village en campagne
In small French village Fleury d'Aude, the municipal elections exacerbate tensions. This documentary follows the adventure of the 2008 electoral campaign which features the current socialist mayor, Alain Sablairol, his long-time rival Guy Sie and a new challenger, Gilles Salas. Three personalities who face each other in the ring to conquer the post of mayor.
The Agronomist
Documentary on Jean Dominique, Haitian radio personality and human rights activist.
The Agronomist
Associate Producer
Documentary on Jean Dominique, Haitian radio personality and human rights activist.
Philadelphie: la fusillade de Mole Street
Era Uma Vez na América
Assistant Editor
Depois de crescer no gueto judeu de Nova Iorque e se destacar no crime organizado da Era da Proibição, um gângster de idade retorna a Brooklyn para enfrentar seu passado.
Assistant Editor
In a backward post-apocalyptic world, She aids two brothers' quest to rescue their kidnapped sister. Along the way, they battle orgiastic werewolves, a psychic communist, a tutu-wearing giant, a mad scientist, and gladiators before standing against the odds to defeat the evil Norks.