Cyril Shaps
Nascimento : 1923-10-13, Highbury, London, England, UK
Morte : 2003-01-01
Mr. Grün
Em 1939, quando a Polónia é invadida pela Alemanha Nazi, o pianista Wladyslaw Szpilman interpretava peças clássicas numa rádio em Varsóvia. O jovem pianista irá então partilhar o drama do povo judeu, testemunhando a sua transferência forçada para o gueto de Varsóvia e, depois, para os campos de extermínio. Determinado a sobreviver, foge do gueto dias antes da grande revolta que os alemães esmagarão com sangue. Com a ajuda de membros da resistência polaca, viverá uma existência de fome, solidão e medo, entre os escombros de um mundo que colapsa ao seu redor.
Após uma discussão com o magnata da imprensa, William Randolph Hearst, Orson Welles decide fazer um filme sobre o milionário. Mas Hearst usa sua influência para impedir a exibição.
Numa noite chuvosa de 1946, o novelista Maurice Bendrix encontra Henry Miles, marido de sua ex-amante Sarah. Maurice e Sarah tiveram um tórrido caso dois anos antes, até que, sem qualquer explicação, Sarah terminou o romance. O encontro com Henry reacende a obsessão de Maurice por Sarah, num misto de ciúme e desejo em reencontrá-la. Para tanto, começa uma investigação, para poder entender o porquê do rompimento do romance entre os dois.
Mr. Spitz
Xavier Lombard is a world-weary private eye in London, in exile from his native Paris; his best friend is Nathalie, a high-class call girl. He gets a call from an old friend from the Paris police department, now a businessman whose brother-in-law is missing. The missing man's parents hire Xavier over their daughter's objections, and quickly he finds himself in the realm of children's sexual slavery.
Simon is an outcast from his Jewish community because he claims that the devil talks to him and he has the ability to put curses on crops. When Dovid asks the 'Squire' to sell him some land so he can build a railway station, a ruthless businessman from the neighbouring gentile community uses Simon to find out who wants to buy the land so he can 'persuade' him otherwise
Rosina é a filha mais velha de um feliz casamento judeu em Londres, ano de 1840. Quando seu pai é assassinado, a casa se enche de dívidas e a menina mimada lutará para seguir adiante, mesmo que os obstáculos sejam grandes.
Um monarca britânico do século 18 ama sua devotada rainha, mas uma doença afeta gravemente sua mente.
Franz Joseph
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson get involved with Balkan terrorists to save Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria from an assassination at the opera house and prevent World War I.
A play about the gunpowder plot written from a new angle by Jimmy McGovern.
Gisli the Chiseller
Erik, o Viking, reúne guerreiros de sua aldeia e parte em uma jornada perigosa para Valhalla, para pedir aos deuses que acabem com a Era de Ragnorok e permitam que seu povo veja a luz do sol novamente. Uma sátira pitonista da vida viking.
Dr. Magnusson
A WWII fighter plane crashes and although the pilot escapes, his partner burns. Years later, Maggie and Harry Dowl arrive in England to inspect a house left to Maggie by her mother. The house has a dilapidated tennis court, but this seems to have some force which takes over the daughter of John Bray, the local holy man, as well as causing tennis balls to gush blood and kill people with animated nets.
Tom Trimble, um astronauta, e seu androide, Hermes, voltam por acidente aos tempos do Rei Arthur. Ele tenta ganhar a confiança do Rei afirmando que sabe que Mordred e Merlin irão traí-lo.
Finding the fourth segment of the Key to Time was simple enough, but holding onto it may be another matter. The Doctor and Romana find themselves embroiled in the political games of the planet Tara, where doubles, android or otherwise, complicate the coronation of Prince Reynart.
One Saturday evening Rosa Priore is preparing a magnificent Sunday lunch for her family and their friends. By Sunday afternoon her life and marriage are in ruins.
Dr. Bechmann
James Bond e a bela agente soviética Anya Amasova juntam-se para investigar o desaparecimento de submarinos nucleares, aliados e russos. As pistas levam-nos ao bilionário Karl Stromberg. Depressa, Bond e Anya tornam-se a última esperança de conseguir acabar com um plano que irá levar o mundo a um holocausto nuclear.
Grandad Wax
On the eve of his Bar Mitzvah, young Elliot finds that all the grown men in his life are somewhat wanting.
Father Petrek
Checoslováquia em 1942 - O General da SS Reinhard Heydrich é nomeado para se tornar o Protetor do Reich na Boêmia e Morávia. O terror e a opressão que se seguem faz com que as autoridades aliadas em Londres autorizem uma missão secreta para matar o homem que veio a ser conhecido como "O Açougueiro de Praga". Um esquadrão de expatriados checos são lançados de paraquedas na Checoslováquia, a fim de assassinar o novo governador alemão. Baseado em uma história verdadeira, detalha a Operação Alvorada desde as preparações, sua execução e as maciças represálias alemãs que se seguiram.
An animated film about the British engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who spearheaded numerous engineering marvels of the early 19th century - including the Thames Tunnel, the Great Western Railway, and the Great Eastern steamship (for 40 years the world's largest steamship). Various styles of animation are used to depict events in his colorful life.
Tauber's Voice (voice)
22 de novembro de 1963: o presidente John F. Kennedy é assassinado. O repórter alemão Peter Miller descobre que uma ambulância levava o corpo de um sobrevivente do Holocausto, cujo diário trazia detalhes assombrosos dos campos de concentração. Esse diário conduz Miller na trilha da organização secreta ODESSA.
A small time diamond merchant jumps at the chance to supervise the purchase and cutting of a large first class diamond. But when the diamond is stolen from him, he is blackmailed into pulling off a major heist at the Diamond Exchange, located at 11 Harrowhouse.
Professor Clegg
The blue crystal that the Doctor took from Metebelis III in a previous adventure is desperately sought by the Eight Legs, a race of mutated spiders, as the final element in their plan for universal domination. With help from an old mentor, the Doctor realises the only way to foil the plot is to make the ultimate sacrifice. The Doctor must risk death to return to the cave of the Great One and save the universe.
Mr. Lavender
A popular member of the Oxford community is killed and nobody figure out why. A police inspector is called in from Scotland Yard and discovers there may be more to the victim than anyone knows.
Danny La Rue stars in this 1970s drag comedy as Fred Wimbush, a Shakespearean actor who is drafted into WWII and is appearing in a camp show in France when the Nazis advance. Unless he continues in his female costume, Fred is certain to be shot as a spy. The risque gags and double entendres fly as he attempts to make his escape in the company of a troupe of Girl Guides.
Police Doctor
When an unauthorized letter is sent to Moscow alleging the U.S. government's willingness to help Russia attack China, former naval officer Charles Rone and his team are sent to retrieve it. They go undercover, successfully reaching out to Erika Kosnov, the wife of a former agent, now married to the head of Russia's secret police. Their plans are interrupted, however, when their Moscow hideout is raided by a cunning politician.
East German Detective
When a Polish sailor jumps ship in Britain, a couple of local intelligence operatives keep him under surveillance. Soon, he’s recruited to infiltrate a missile installation outside of East Berlin and bring back photos of the new rockets.
Aided by his two assistants Jamie and Victoria, the Doctor lands the TARDIS on Telos, last resting place of the infamous Cybermen. There he discovers a band of archaelogists on a secret expedition to unearth the reason for his old enemies' extinction. In the underground shadowy depths, they find the icy tomb. A whole army in hibernation. A threat to no one, if the temperature remains low. But if the traitor in their midst gets his way, things could really heat up.
Mr. Pinkus (uncredited)
Mark Thackeray é um engenheiro desempregado que resolve dar aulas no bairro operário de East End, em Londres. A turma de alunos indisciplinados é liderada por Denham, Pamela e Barbara, e fará de tudo para que Mark desista da sua missão, como fez com seus predecessores.
Foxy Face (uncredited)
Rasputin, a crazed and debauched monk wreaks havoc at the local inn one night, chopping off the hand of one of the drinkers. As the bitter locals plan their revenge, the evil Rasputin works his satanic power over the beautiful women who serve at the Tsar's palace. Even the Tsarina herself is seduced by his evil ways and, as his influence begins to dominate government policy, there is only one course of action left... to destroy him before he destroys them all.
Phil Myers
A dreamy Australian singer comes to London to seek his fortune and falls for a down-to-earth lass and a high-strung debutante at the same time.
Early adaption of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four as part of the Theatre 625 series.
Child Welfare Officer
The story of Ted and Jackie, two London kids who decide to run away to Liverpool and, from there, stow away on a ship bound for Jamaica - the home of Jackie's estranged father.
The compère of a seedy strip club struggles to keep one step ahead of the bookies to whom he owes money.
Bartender in Officer's Club (uncredited)
Graças ao seu conhecimento dos beduínos, o oficial britânico T.E. Lawrence é enviado à Arábia para encontrar o príncipe Faisal e servir de ligação entre árabes e ingleses na luta contra os turcos. Com a ajuda do nativo xerife Ali, Lawrence se rebela contra as ordens de seus superiores e enfrenta uma jornada através do deserto para atacar um porto turco bem protegido.
A group of former concentration camp prisoners has formed an underground network to hunt Nazi leaders, who are still on the loose. At a secret meeting in Paris they discuss what to do with the former Auschwitz commandant Karl Brochmann, who since 12 years lives in London under the false identity of Karl Luther. They decide to take the law in their own hands, and send their member David to London. He starts his commission by scaring Luther, to see his reactions. Luther is already nervous, because the newspapers are writing about the capture of Eichmann. When he finds out that somebody has broken into his apartment and painted a swastika on his mirror, he gets terrified. He empties his bank account, packs a bag with all his cash and runs away, followed by David.
Homer Trent
An obsessed man returns to claim the woman he loves.
Bank Clerk
A boy gets involved in a bank robbery
A flying boat has to ditch off an island in the Pacific. Along with the injured owner-pilot the passengers include a policeman and his smuggler prisoner, a slimey limey witness against him, a physicist, and a globe-hopping good-time girl. On the island they find a fleet of derelict ships, farm animals tethered, and cameras in a lead-lined bunker and a stark realisation soon dawns.
Lt. Cyriakos Coutoules
Drama set in an Italian prisoner of war camp during World War 2, where a group of British soldiers find their plans for escape thwarted by a mysterious traitor in their midst.
British melodrama about a cabbie befriending a girl caught up in the white slave trade.
The Mediterranean, 1941/42 - Axis forces are using frogmen and manned torpedoes to attack previously impregnable harbours. The Allied forces need to come up with something to answer this threat, which they find in the form of Lt. Lionel "Buster" Crabb.
Hairdresser (uncredited)
A Liverpool juvenile liaison officer struggles with a young and dangerous pyromaniac.
Spurred on by the death of his drug-addicted sister at the hands of ruthless narcotics kingpin Frank McNally, U.S. drug enforcement agent Charles Sturgis embarks on an investigation that takes him from New York to London, Lisbon, Rome, Naples and finally Athens in pursuit of McNally's shapely associate, Gina Broger.