Sneha Singh


Yellow Board
Journey through the lives of Bangalore's taxi drivers and their struggles, and how a hero will rise among them.
A tech-savvy youngster and slightly arrogant youngster leads a life of comfort with the help of his celebrity friends until he meets and falls in love with a woman whose character is the complete opposite of his own.
Geek Out
The dual lives we lead, that virtual alter ego we all have nurtured and empowered, The Indian "Geek" today is no longer that lad who sat in a corner. He could be that carefully framed pic on Instagram to that deadly opinionated Twitter handle or maybe that pop philosophy spitting Facebook page or that revolutionary blog that was created to change the world or just plain drowned into the Audio-Visual black hole "You-Tube". Day dreaming now has a new address, the world wide web. Dream on ! May the force be with the Geek !