Costume Design
Live action film "Shibyo Osen Dead Rising" based on the zombie action game "Dead Rising." Set in Japan and directed by Keiji Inafune. Produced by Capcom, the game studio that also produced the popular Resident Evil series, the Xbox 360/Wii game Dead Rising was a George Romero-inspired third-person shooting game that followed a reporter's effort to fend off a zombie attack in a mall. The game was immensely popular, expanding to downloadable content and multiple spin-off versions on other platforms. Four years later, the sequel of the game has arrived, and Capcom is hyping up the release with a live-action feature film. Directed by game producer Inafune Keiji (Onimusha, Mega Man) in his directorial debut, Shibyo Osen - Dead Rising promises to create a never-before-seen type of third-person-style action film that also features the over-the-top zombie violence that made the games so popular.
Costume Design
Kazuo Murata is a detective who has lost his wife and eventually the meaning of his existence.
Uma família completamente desestruturada: o pai, obsessivo com a profissão de jornalista, faz qualquer coisa para conseguir uma matéria polêmica; o filho, humilhado na escola constantemente pelos colegas, desconta sua frustração espancando a própria mãe todos os dias; a mãe, com a violência do filho e abandono do marido, prostitui-se para comprar heroína e aliviar-se; a filha, fugiu de casa e agora é prostituta, atendendo até mesmo o próprio pai. A vida de todos eles mudará quando um completo desconhecido começar a viver em sua casa, um homem que aos poucos vai restaurar a harmonia e amor que sentem uns pelos outros.
Hair Setup
A doll maker and his daughter Erika live in a remote mountain villa. When some thugs break in and murder Erika and disfigure the old doll maker, he sets about getting his revenge. He creates a life-size doll and has it possessed by Erika's spirit. The doll then tracks down Erika's killers one-by-one...