Monica Knox

Monica Knox


Monica Knox


A Christmas Fumble
Nicole Barnes gets the toughest assignment of her career when she’s asked to handle a breaking scandal for former pro footballer-turned-TV-commentator Jordan Davies, whose network contract isn’t going to be renewed because of a violation going back to his college days. However, Nicole fails to disclose that she and Jordan were once boyfriend and girlfriend — a conflict of interest that could end her own hopes of being made partner at her firm. To make matters worse, Nicole’s efforts to rehabilitate Jordan’s image are constantly undermined by Jordan’s shallow entertainment reporter fiancée.
O Milagre da Vida
Quando a agente do conselho tutelar Alison e o policial Brock encontram um bebê abandonado em um presépio na igreja, os dois têm de deixar suas diferenças de lado e lidar com o caso juntos. A magia do Natal pode ajudar este bebê a encontrar um lar - e talvez até mesmo ajudar Alison e Brock a se verem com outros olhos?