A docu-fiction hybrid following Stephen Giddings, a man from an addiction-afflicted family, who auditions for and takes on a film role, while transforming his life in the real world, blurring the lines between fact and fiction to examine addiction and recovery. Commissioned by Liverpool Biennial, the film was created with a mixed cast of professional actors and local people from the recovery community. Stephen is based on the real-life story of Thomas Goudie, a clerk at the Bank of Liverpool, caught embezzling money to support his obsessive gambling. Goudie’s arrest became the world’s first crime-reconstruction and first film made in Liverpool in 1901 by filmmakers Mitchell and Kenyon.
Russia’s record-high number of holidays are celebrated at an upbeat balalaika pace and with black humour in a lively mosaic of impressions from life in the vast, inscrutable country in the East.
Após um terremoto devastador, Nga e Sanra, um velho elefante e seu cornaca, partem em busca do lendário cemitério de elefantes. Os caçadores seguindo os dois começam a morrer um por um devido a circunstâncias misteriosas.
Alicia en el país tells the real story that took place in 2004, of a thirteen year old Bolivian girl who undertook a singular journey: to walk to the town of San Pedro de Atacama, in the Chilean altiplano, to look for work. It was 180 kilometers between desert, snow and salt flats, with the purpose of helping her family and responding to an ancient Quechua tradition, where the entrance to adulthood implies making a long journey.
The film chronicles everyday struggle of a Russian woman for “ordinary” happiness of her family.