Ábel Köves


Post Mortem - Fotos do Além
Após a Primeira Guerra Mundial, Tomas, um jovem fotógrafo de cadáveres, chega a uma pequena vila húngara acompanhado de Anna, uma menina órfã. Logo, ele se sente aprisionado no local, com as estranhas sombras, os barulhos noturnos, a hostilidade dos habitantes e as mortes suspeitas. Com a ajuda de Anna e convencido da existência de fantasmas, Tomas decide investigar uma maneira de libertá-los.
Perfect As You Are
The film, set in today's Budapest, is a romantic dramedy about the lies of relationships and creation, in which the world of advertising, book publishing and social media collide with the accidental meeting of the two protagonists. As the burnt-out advertiser and the esoteric success author come into ever closer contact with each other, they become entangled in a web of their own emotions and well-constructed lies.
Contos de Guerra
Shortly after the end of World War II, a con man on the run finds himself in a passionate love affair that may well cost him his life.