Jesse Miki


First Person Shooter
Graphic Designer
The creative head of a video game development company is close to releasing his newest game when a mysterious coder begins to hack his life - destroying everything he knows.
A New Year's Resolution
Art Direction
Quando uma produtora de um programa matinal deseja não negar as belas oportunidades que a vida lhe dá, tornando-se cobaia de seu próprio programa, suas realizações cruzam com um homem otimista - que talvez carregue a chave para a sua grande história de amor.
Sweet Autumn
Art Direction
Maggie, a successful entrepreneur, returns home for a will reading and discovers she’s inherited half of her aunt’s famed maple candy business. What she doesn’t understand is why Aunt Dee’s maple supplier, Dex, inherited the other half. Her return also coincides with the town’s Sweet Autumn Fest, and through a series of letters Aunt Dee left, Maggie and Dex search for the reason behind her aunt’s final wishes. As she and Dex grow closer, Maggie must decide if the life she built is the one she wants.
Our Christmas Love Song
Art Direction
When country star Melody Jones is accused of plagiarizing her holiday single, she returns home to spend Christmas with her estranged family and old flame and learns what is important in life.
Encontro Perfeito
Art Direction
Stephanie participa de um programa de TV para encontrar seu par perfeito e embarca em uma romântica viagem ao campo. Seu pretendente parece ideal, mas o implicante guia turístico desperta um antigo sentimento. Será que o amor pode estar nos bastidores?