Benjamin Klein


O Vale Negro
Áustria, 1875. Greider é um americano de ascendência austríaca que aparece em uma vila remota nas montanhas, lar de seus ancestrais por gerações. Os moradores oferecem abrigo ao estranho em troca de um generoso pagamento. Porém, eles não suspeitam que o homem sabe de um segredo guardado pela comunidade e está lá para buscar vingança.
A newborn's destiny hangs in the balance, as grownups come to terms with what they cannot have.
The Reunion
Director of Photography
Luisa returns to her parents' home when her father becomes bedridden. She's expected to help her mother deal with the drudgery of caring for him, but their relationship is tense and the physical contact with the man proves to be unpleasant for her. In quiet moments she remembers scenes from her childhood Long repressed and forgotten memories force their way back into the present, until a final realization brings a family secret to light.