Costume Designer
A group of high school students, fueled by their shared passion for filmmaking, sets out to create a short film based on the life of their beloved classmate. Little do they know, their endeavor will lead them to uncover their friend’s hidden secrets that could change their perspective on their passion forever.
Costume Designer
Peace Aod, a young gravedigger at Thamma Nakanimitr Temple, unearths an ancient gold anklet from a grave from the World War II period. He decides to pocket the anklet and falls prey to a curse that turns his skin into snake scales.
Costume Designer
Boss, an elusive bar owner living in New York, reunites with his estranged best friend, Aood, for a roadtrip in Thailand after Aood has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Costume Designer
Depois de testemunhar uma assombração em seu hospital, dois médicos tornam-se perigosamente obcecados em obter provas científicas de que fantasmas existem.
Costume Designer
One tech entrepreneur man competed to win big money to set up his startup business. But the prize money is enormous. The competition is intense and the barriers are even more difficult when it comes to competing with the people who inspired them to enter the business first.
Costume Designer
Lynn é uma estudante superdotada que resolve ajudar sua melhor amiga Grace e o filhinho de papai Pat a obterem melhores notas nos exames do colégio. O que começa como simples aulas particulares logo evolui para colas elaboradas, e o serviço prestado passa a ser muito bem remunerado. Certo dia, Lynn vê a oportunidade de ganhar milhões em um esquema para fraudar as respostas do exame STIC, espécie de ENEM internacional que abre as portas de grandes universidades em todo o mundo, a ser realizado em Sydney, na Austrália. Porém ela precisará da ajuda de Bank, seu maior rival nos estudos, que se recusa a cometer fraudes.