Michel Gaztambide


Assalto ao Banco da Espanha
Madri, Espanha, 2010. Enquanto toda a cidade acompanha a participação bem-sucedida da seleção nacional na Copa do Mundo, um grupo de ladrões ousados procura uma maneira de entrar em um dos locais mais seguros e protegidos do planeta.
Para ajudar a irmã a cuidar da mãe que está em coma, Alicia volta à casa onde cresceu e tem de enfrentar uma força sombria do passado que agora ameaça sua filha.
Petra, uma jovem artista, nunca conheceu o pai. Quando a mãe morre, ela lança-se numa busca que a conduzirá a Jaume, um artista plástico famoso, poderoso e implacável. Este aceita acolher Petra numa residência artística no seu atelier, algures nos arredores de Girona. No seu caminho para descobrir a verdade, Petra encontra também Lucas, filho de Jaume, e Marisa, esposa de Jaume e mãe de Lucas. Na expectativa de obter respostas, a jovem aproxima-se desta família onde predominam segredos de família e violência. Encontrará Petra aquilo que foi procurar?
Navajeros, censores y nuevos realizadores
Spain. 1978. Year of the first democratic elections following the dictatorship, and of the birth cine quinqui (delinquent movies): films that rapidly became a big commercial success, showing things that were banned by the censorship not too long before.
Twelve short films, twelve portraits of the city of San Sebastian.
The story of a family; the story of a conflict. The rural and the urban, the past and the present, parents and their offspring: opposing ways of life struggle against one another whilst, in eloquent silence, the grandmother ('amama') watches her family’s destiny unfold.
The story of a family; the story of a conflict. The rural and the urban, the past and the present, parents and their offspring: opposing ways of life struggle against one another whilst, in eloquent silence, the grandmother ('amama') watches her family’s destiny unfold.
A film crew travels to the Valley of Baztan to make a film about certain events that occurred in the seventeenth century is the history of discrimination suffered by so-called "agotes", people who were forced to live apart from the rest almost to our days.
Não Haverá Paz Para os Malvados
Madrid, the beginning of the century. One day, the police inspector Santos Trinidad coming home very drunk, is involved in a triple murder. But there is a witness who managed to escape and that could incriminate him. Santos undertakes an investigation to locate and eliminate the witness. Meanwhile, Chacón a judge in charge of investigating the triple murder, meticulously advances in the search for the murderer. Santos and Chacon soon discover that what seemed a simple case of drug trafficking is actually something far more dangerous.
El idioma imposible
Fernando, lives in the heart of Barcelona's Chinatown, which seeks life peddling amphetamines and alternating with a peculiar gallery sinister characters. In one of those sunrises stolen life, Fernando meet Elsa, a young teenager, fresh and lively, with a passionate and self-destructive personality who unwittingly become the most addictive. Together they try to survive in a shadowy villain and Barcelona at the end of the day is taken by the renegades of society and their particular codes.
A Tram in SP
In a small town in the Basque country, Lucas and Maria are an elderly brother and sister. They share a house with their memories and the ghosts of the people they have loved throughout their lifes. They know that sooner or later they will buy their ticket for their final journey. Marcos and Roma are young and alone. She's a nurse and paints windows that embellish the views from her room. Marcos is a street performer with no home of his own, clinging to his accordion and a pile of questions. They don't know that sooner or later they will all set out on a journey together.
A handyman named Hans moves to a small town in Majorca where his his presence strikes a discord with the local residents.
La vida mancha
Fito (Juan Sanz) is a poker addict truck driver and labor problems that his wife Juana (Zay Nuba) tries to overcome. A day will come Pedro (Jose Coronado), the brother Fito, absent from his life for 13 years.
Box 507
Modesto, an honest and responsible professional, is a manager of a small bank branch in Costa del Sol. His daughter died in a forest fire which he had thought to be accidental. One day he wakes up in his bank, after being locked and dragged by unknown men, and finds out in a safety-deposit box that the fire was plotted. From that day on, he sets on a personal crusade for justice.
Hombre sin Hombre
Um filme ambientado na região basca, começando na terceira e última guerra carlista (1872-1876), desde 1875 e terminando durante a guerra civil espanhola (1936-1939) de 1936. O filme retrata como um único ato de covardia molda a vida das próximas três gerações de duas famílias e alimenta a intensa rivalidade que durará os próximos sessenta e um (61) anos.
Zabu was a dancer in a small cabaret in Bilbao. Twelve years later she is living with her daughter Lola and a small delinquent called Lino in a squalid suburb of an industrial city. She dreams of leaving for Australia.
Santa Cruz, the guerrilla priest
Juán Auzmendi, sacristan of a small Spanish village, decides to emigrate to America in search of new horizons. To pay for the trip, he steals the saving of his parish priest and begins the journey to the city of Pasajes, where he hopes to get on a ship. But Spain is again on the verge of a Civil War and the trip to the coast gets complicated.
Close Your Eyes
While filming a movie, famous Spanish actor Julio Arenas disappears without a trace. Although his body is never found, the police conclude that he has suffered an accident at a cliff by the sea. Many years later, the mystery is brought up once more by a TV program, which offers previously unreleased images of the last scenes in which he participated, shot by his close friend, director Miguel Garay.
Muerto de amor