Louise Cullen


O Casamento de Muriel
Deidre's Friend
Porpoise Spit, Austrália. Muriel Heslop (Toni Collette) tem 22 anos e nunca teve muitos amigos, já que as roupas que usa são fora de moda e, ainda por cima, vive ouvindo as canções do ABBA. Além disto, está acima do peso e nunca demonstrou muitos talentos. Sua vida muda ao conhecer Rhonda Epinstalk (Rachel Griffiths), que também é excluída do meio social. Sonhando com uma vida livre, elas fogem para Sydney. Apesar das críticas de seu pai, Muriel acredita que possa enfim encontrar a felicidade e coloca como primeira meta se casar. É quando ela conhece e se apaixona por um famoso nadador.
Mae Spong
Cherith is the daughter of a evangelist and is seen as an outcast because of her inability to speak in tongues, which the rest of her father's sect can do quite easily. She also has problems with relationships.
To Make a Killing
Adele Price
Damon Kennedy (Tamblyn Lord, The River Kings) is an impressionable young man ready to begin university life. On the other side of the tracks live Terry (Craig Pearce, co-author of Strictly Ballroom), Felix (John Godden) and Benny (Kelly Dingwall) — who get their kicks out of robbing houses and chasing girls. But they're broke and all out of cash. During a routine burglary the gang discover an innocent Damon. Brushing off the intrusion and pretending they are looking for some mates, the gang flee the scene but bored Damon follows them and joins their group for the day, hoping to find some fun.When the gang picks up two girls, things become unhinged as a drunk Damon brags about some of his family's many affluent friends. Forced to take them to one of his cash-rich contacts, Damon's nightmare has only just begun. As Terry discovers that the wealthy don't always carry cash, what starts as a burglary soon turns into a killing spree.