Eric Davies


Looking for Cormac
Camera Operator
A documentary that follows the trail of our greatest living writer, Cormac McCarthy, from his origins in Knoxville, Tennessee, through New Orleans and into the vast expanse of Texas. The film deals with the terrain of the American West, McCarthyesque characters and the mystery that is your heart's desire. Join these three pilgrims as they enter the world of McCarthy, and encounter characters that seem sprung from the pages of Blood Meridian, Child of God, Suttree and other dark classics.
Looking for Cormac
A documentary that follows the trail of our greatest living writer, Cormac McCarthy, from his origins in Knoxville, Tennessee, through New Orleans and into the vast expanse of Texas. The film deals with the terrain of the American West, McCarthyesque characters and the mystery that is your heart's desire. Join these three pilgrims as they enter the world of McCarthy, and encounter characters that seem sprung from the pages of Blood Meridian, Child of God, Suttree and other dark classics.
Looking for Cormac
A documentary that follows the trail of our greatest living writer, Cormac McCarthy, from his origins in Knoxville, Tennessee, through New Orleans and into the vast expanse of Texas. The film deals with the terrain of the American West, McCarthyesque characters and the mystery that is your heart's desire. Join these three pilgrims as they enter the world of McCarthy, and encounter characters that seem sprung from the pages of Blood Meridian, Child of God, Suttree and other dark classics.
The Couple in the Cage
A witty satire about cultural stereotyping. In a series of 1992 performances, Coco Fusco and performance co-creator Guillermo Gómez-Peña decked themselves out in primitive costumes and appeared before the public as "undiscovered AmerIndians" locked in a golden cage - an exercise in faux anthropology based on racist images of natives. Presented eight times in four different countries, these simple performances evoked various responses, the most startling being the huge numbers of people who didn't find the idea of "natives" locked in a cage objectionable. This provocative video, directed and produced by Coco Fusco and Paula Heredia, suggests that the "primitive" is nothing more than a construction of the West, and uses comic fiction to address historical truths and tragedies.
History and Memory: For Akiko and Takashige
Após o ataque japonês à base militar de Pearl Harbor, durante a II Guerra Mundial, o governo dos EUA adota uma política segregacionista: a criação de campos de concentração para a população nipo-americana. Assombrada pelas imagens lacunares de seus familiares, que estavam entre os 120 mil japoneses presos, a diretora tenta recuperar a memória dos dias apagados do registro coletivo.