Daniel Rouha


Restore Point
It’s 2041 and the gaps in social and economic inequality have left the world on the brink. A breakthrough in science has given humanity the ability to bring victims of a violent crime back to life by backing up their brain every 2 days. This allows an ambitious, young detective the opportunity to solve a case of a murdered couple when the restoration team is able to bring one of them back.
O Pássaro Pintado
Unit Manager
Baseado no livro O Pássaro Pintado, de Jerzy Kosinski, o filme acompanha as desventuras de um menino judeu durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Perseguidos, seus pais o deixam com uma mãe adotiva. Mas a mulher morre, e o garoto é obrigado a sobreviver sozinho. Ele anda pelo interior, visitando vilas e fazendas. Pelo caminho, encontra várias pessoas e sofre com a brutalidade de camponeses supersticiosos e testemunha a violência de soldados russos e alemães.
All or Nothing
Line Producer
Linda and Vanda, two good-looking women in their thirties, are inseparable friends and co-owners of a small bookstore in the city center. Linda is divorced, educated and practical, has a little daughter and a sense of responsibility. Vanda, on the contrary, is single and free, attracting men as a magnet, but none of them is able to keep up with her spontaneity. Edo, shy, sensitive, and introverted gay working with them in the bookstore, longs for love for ages too. The lives of this trio get finally tangled by several men, while everything turns up differently than any of them had expected.