Rozi Székely


Most of the Souls That Live Here
The renowned anarchist teacher Count Ervin Batthyány reappears 100 years after his death. He tries to put his theories into practice again, as he realises that the world has not turned out as he had expected. He founds a new free school with the help of some like-minded people, and starts teaching a new generation who believe in solidarity and cooperation, rather than a system of oppression. But the ideal of freedom and equality awakens the same fears in the choreographers of power as it did 100 years ago. And after an encouraging start the count and his new friends come up against more and more obstacles.
Filho de Saul
Female Kapo
1944, campo de concentração de Auschwitz, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Saul (Géza Röhrig) é um judeu obrigado a trabalhar para os nazistas, sendo um dos responsáveis em limpar as câmaras de gás após dezenas de outros judeus serem mortos. Em meio à tensão do momento e às dificuldades inerentes desta tarefa, ele reconhece entre os mortos o corpo de seu próprio filho.