Herbert Oswald Carleton


El Diablo del Mar
Director of Photography
A ship disappears without trace. What happened to the crew? Years later there's news of possible survivors and soon a rescue team is setting sail. Eventually they discover a young man living on a remote island and they ask him to leave with them. He refuses, so they abduct him. But he gets his revenge and guides them into the lair of the devil of the deep. Alternate language version of THE SEA FIEND (1935)
The Birth of a Race
Após a seção "Birth of the Human Race", o filme teve cenas épicas no Egito Antigo com soldados núbios e o resgate do menino Moisés em um rio. Uma cena posterior retratou Simão de Cirene ajudando Jesus a carregar sua cruz na Via Dolorosa e a assinatura da Declaração de Independência. O filme então mudou para a Primeira Guerra Mundial, com dois irmãos brancos de uma família germano-americana indo para a guerra na Frente Ocidental, um ("George") lutando pelos Estados Unidos e o outro ("Oscar") lutando pela Alemanha . George é ferido e no hospital o defende de um ataque alemão, matando Oscar no processo. George é mandado para casa na América, onde resgata sua esposa de um espião alemão.
The Right of Way
Snobbish attorney Charles 'Beauty' Steele loses his wife due to his drinking and his airs at the same time that his brother-in-law absconds with funds belonging to one of Steele's clients. In search of the thief, Steele is attacked and left for dead. He is rescued by a kindly couple, but suffers from amnesia. He starts life afresh and is happy, until the return of his memory sends him back to resolve his old involvements.