Amel Rezgui


The Bath
Set Decoration
Imed, a young father, finding himself alone for a few days with his five year old son due to his wife’s business trip, will have to confront his deepest fear.
The Bath
Production Design
Imed, a young father, finding himself alone for a few days with his five year old son due to his wife’s business trip, will have to confront his deepest fear.
Nefta Football Club
Set Decoration
No sul da Tunísia, dois irmãos fãs de futebol se deparam com um burro perdido no meio do deserto, na fronteira com a Argélia. Estranhamente, o animal está usando fones de ouvido. Mal imaginam eles que o simpático quadrúpede está levando uma carga muito peculiar. Prêmio do Público no renomado Festival Internacional de Curtas de Clermont-Ferrand e no Festival Internacional de Curtas de São Paulo, em 2019. Pré-finalista ao Oscar 2020 de Melhor Curta de Ficção.
Art Direction
A story of a dream that turned into a nightmare, the description of a democratic effervescence that has turned to theocratic regression.