Hannah Reinikainen


Love You Bye
Fresh out of childbirth, Sandra finds herself dumped by her boyfriend and having to pick up the pieces of her shattered existence while raising two children. In another part of the country, Sandra's sister Annika tries to help her sister through this nightmare and through their phone-conversations, Annika starts to question her own relationship. Is it really as equal as it seems?
Night Shift
On a Friday morning after the nightshift at the strip club Chat Noir, Becky and Sara head off to Café Tintin for breakfast together. There, they discuss everything from worries about money, motherhood, and dreams about getting pets, to how to deal with condescending comments about their line of work.
Nellie and Jasse are 13 years old and best friends. Together they explore the world through physical challenges. But once Jasse starts hanging out with the cool girls at the skate ramp, the intimate world of girlhood friendship crumbles.
Always Amber
Amber belongs to a queer generation which no longer wants society to dictate their identity. The teenagers proudly inhabit a spectrum of fluid identities and master their first loves and losses.
Always Amber
Amber belongs to a queer generation which no longer wants society to dictate their identity. The teenagers proudly inhabit a spectrum of fluid identities and master their first loves and losses.
Always Amber
Director of Photography
Amber belongs to a queer generation which no longer wants society to dictate their identity. The teenagers proudly inhabit a spectrum of fluid identities and master their first loves and losses.
Always Amber
Amber belongs to a queer generation which no longer wants society to dictate their identity. The teenagers proudly inhabit a spectrum of fluid identities and master their first loves and losses.