Jean-Loup Dabadie

Jean-Loup Dabadie

Nascimento : 1938-09-27, Paris, France

Morte : 2020-05-24


Jean-Loup Dabadie (27 September 1938 - 24 May 2020) was a French journalist, writer, lyricist, award-winning screenwriter and member of the Académie française. Source: Article "Jean-Loup Dabadie" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Jean-Loup Dabadie


Les volets verts
The twilight of a sacred monster, Jules Maugin, an actor at the height of his glory. Beneath the famous personality, the big mouth, and the social shell, lies the intimate portrait of a man laid bare.
Dans les pas de Jean-Paul Rappeneau
Michel Audiard : J'parle pas aux cons, ça les instruit
Get Well Soon
After an accident, Pierre, a sixty years old grumpy man, ends up stuck on an hospital bed with a cast. While Pierre dreams of silence and solitude with his strong character, the whole world seems to invite himself to his hospital bed. Powerless, he has to support the daily visits of doctors,nurse and hospital staff then his closes including his brother Herve. Visits after visits, funny or touching, Pierre starts to reconsider some people and reexamine his environment. And after all, his stay becomes a second chance ...
Get Well Soon
After an accident, Pierre, a sixty years old grumpy man, ends up stuck on an hospital bed with a cast. While Pierre dreams of silence and solitude with his strong character, the whole world seems to invite himself to his hospital bed. Powerless, he has to support the daily visits of doctors,nurse and hospital staff then his closes including his brother Herve. Visits after visits, funny or touching, Pierre starts to reconsider some people and reexamine his environment. And after all, his stay becomes a second chance ...
Three-Way Serenade
A short featurette on "Cesar and Rosalie"
Guy Bedos - Rideau!
Gérald K. Gérald
Minhas Tardes com Margueritte
Baseado no livro “La Tête en Friche”, de Marie-Sabine Roger. Quando criança, Germain (Gérard Depardieu) foi chamado de burro na escola por todos e em casa, com sua mãe solteira, não era diferente. A dificuldade de ler se perpetuou numa espécie de bloqueio intelectual. Já adulto, sua vida se resumia a viver de bicos, ainda ser alvo de brincadeira dos amigos e, principalmente, conviver com o eterno desamor da mãe. Contudo, quando Margueritte (Gisèle Casadesus) faz com que as páginas de um livro se abram novamente para ele, este reencontro com o universo das letras amplia seu horizonte e o único limite - agora - será somente a sua vontade.
Il était une fois... Vincent, François, Paul et les autres
Yves Lecoq - L'Impolitic Show
Symphonie métallique
A featurette on "The Things of Life"
Deux sur la balançoire
Guy Bedos - En Piste !
Claude Sautet or the Invisible Magic
Thanks to a series of unpublished interviews, recorded shortly before his death, director Claude Sautet gives us a fascinating lesson in cinema. Through his thirteen films, he tells about his career and his work as a director.
Romy Schneider, étrange étrangère
Star at 17 years with the series of Sissi, Romy Schneider leaves Austria and glory for the love of Alain Delon. From Luchino Visconti to Otto Preminger, through Zulawski and Costa Gravas, she turned with the greatest. The directors interview those who knew her, who loved her, go back to the filming locations, make archive images speak for themselves... and try to detect the part of mystery that Romy Schneider conceals for ever.
Le vison voyageur
Intersection: Uma Escolha, uma Renúncia
Original Film Writer
Ao dirigir em uma estrada remota, um homem relembra seu relacionamento com sua esposa e com sua amante e tenta decidir para qual delas irá retornar.
Le bal des casse-pieds
A tolerant veterinarian turns the other cheek when annoyed but changes his nature when he falls in love.
Double mixte
Descent Into Hell
Scenario Writer
The marriage of the famous writer Alan and his young wife Lola is in a crisis. On a vacation in Haiti Lola wants to decide if their relationship still has a future...
The Seventh Target
Bastien Grimaldy, a man driven to heightened anxiety as the plot against him begins to take effect. Bastien's personal relationships give him enough cause for anxiety -- between his new lover Laura and a feisty mother, life provides its own insecurities. When he goes to the police with his problems, Bastien is assigned an off-beat inspector to protect him but is still faced with skepticism about his dilemma.
A Dama de Vermelho
Original Film Writer
O executivo Teddy Pierce (Gene Wilder) sempre andou na linha, até conhecer Charlotte (Kelly LeBrock), a Dama de Vermelho. Com pernas maravilhosas e um estilo de arrasar, a sexy Charlotte é tudo aquilo que a fantasia ousa imaginar. Teddy está fadado a se encrencar, após ter decidido ceder, só esta única vez, à tentação, e ele está ansioso pelo momento mais romântico de sua vida. Mas o que Teddy não pode antever são as hilárias complicações que ocorrem quando seus amigos, sua secretária e o marido de Charlotte se envolvem na história.
After a life of emotional and professional upsets, Alex finds himself headwaiter in a chic Parisian restaurant. Well into middle age, divorced but still very much a ladies’ man, he has one great ambition: to open an amusement park by the sea. One day, an old flame, Claire, suddenly re-enters his life. For Alex, the fires of love are easily re-kindled, but Claire has another man in her life…
After a life of emotional and professional upsets, Alex finds himself headwaiter in a chic Parisian restaurant. Well into middle age, divorced but still very much a ladies’ man, he has one great ambition: to open an amusement park by the sea. One day, an old flame, Claire, suddenly re-enters his life. For Alex, the fires of love are easily re-kindled, but Claire has another man in her life…
My Other Husband
A woman leaves her husband and marries another man without divorcing the first.
Clara and Chics Types
Three days in the lives of six friends who are nearly 30 years old, live in Grenoble, and have a rock band called the "Why Notes?". They're to play in Paris at Charles's school reunion. In getting to Paris and back, the characters interact with Aimee's ex-husband and her abrasive, cruel ex-mentor, Louise's would-be lover who turns out to have a husband, Mickey's long-time lover and her children, Bertrand's Germanic wife and their children who speak no French, and Frederic's distant mother. The band also meets Clara, a mercurial free spirit who beguiles Bertrand, then Mickey, then takes up with someone else in the band.
Courage fuyons
At forty years old, Martin Belhomme leads a quiet life with his wife and two children. One day, he falls hopelessly in love with Eva, a cabaret singer. He decides to follow her to Amsterdam. From then on, his life becomes very eventful!
Uma História Simples
Uma história simples sobre pessoas simples. Uma mulher divorciada (Marie) com 38 de idade, que agora tem um amante (Serge), mas decide deixá-lo, abortar seu bebê, e então retornar com seu ex-marido (Georges). Sua vida cotidiana e de seus amigos, que têm os mesmos problemas típicos.
We Will All Meet in Paradise
Having fortuitously discovered a photograph in which Marthe embraces someone unknown, Étienne Dorsay becomes jealous and imagines various stratagems to identify the lover. In the meantime, he and his friends acquire a weekend house for a very low price.
Violette et François
Violette and François are a couple with a child.As they cannot lead a good life with odd jobs,François starts to steal.
Pardon Mon Affaire
On an otherwise normal day, Étienne, a happily married man and a good father, sees something that stops him dead in his tracks: a gorgeous woman in a billowing red dress. Long after she has left his vision, her memory continues to haunt his mind. He falls instantly in love with her and tries everything to get to know her better. Helping Étienne snare his elusive lady in red are his three bumbling buddies, which all have secret affairs and/or cheat on their wives.
O Selvagem
A young Frenchwoman fleeing her Italian fiancé in Caracas thrusts herself and those around her into madcap events.
Guy Bedos & Sophie Daumier - Ce n'est qu'un au revoir
Vicente, Francisco, Paulo e Os Outros
Três amigos enfrentam crises de meia-idade. Paul (Serge Reggiani) é um escritor que está bloqueado. François (Michel Piccoli) perdeu seus ideais e pratica a medicina pelo dinheiro; Sua esposa vive distante, eventualmente hostil. O encantador Vincent (Yves Montand), favorito de todos, enfrenta a falência, sua amante o deixa, e sua esposa, de quem ele está separado, quer o divórcio. As tensões entre os homens começa a se mostrar particularmente na amizade de François e Paul e na saúde de Vincent. Um homem mais jovem, Jack, torna-se atraente para Lucie, a esposa de François. Outro jovem amigo, o boxeador Jean, que é como um filho de Vincent e cuja namorada está grávida, vai lutar com um impiedoso lutador. A felicidade escapuliu desse círculo de amigos?
O Tapa
A Parisian teacher loses his cool when his teenage daughter tells him she plans to drop out of school and move in with her boyfriend.
Hail the Artist
Marcello Mastrioanni stars as aging actor Nicolas whose career has dwindled to TV commercials. Seeking an anchor in his life, Nicolas attempts a reconciliation with his ex-wife. But in this, as in his professional life, Nicolas is doomed to disillusionment and failure.
O Silencioso
Quem é Anton Haliakov, que acaba de ser sequestrado pelo MI 5 em Londres? Um cientista soviético aparentemente. Mas dezesseis anos antes o homem tinha outra identidade, Clément Tibère, e outra nacionalidade, francesa. Então, o que o levou a se tornar russo e mudar a identidade? E por que os serviços secretos britânicos estão interessados nele? (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Cesar e Rosalie
Rosalie é amigavelmente divorciado, dividindo seu tempo entre a casa de sua mãe, com seus irmãos e filha pequena, e César. Ele é um self made man, o rei do ferro-velho, extrovertido, simpático, apaixonado por ela. Surge David, um artista e velho apaixonado de Rosalie antes de seu casamento. De uma forma tranquila, planejada, ele procura recuperar Rosalie. As explosões ciumentas de César saem pela culatra e levam Rosalie aos braços de David. César continua tentando: ele compra a casa de férias à beira-mar da infância de Rosalie como um presente, a ganha de volta, e então pede a David para se juntar a eles, para Rosalie voltar a ser feliz. Quando Rosalie descobre a cumplicidade de César e David, ela mais uma vez afirma sua liberdade, deixando os homens sozinhos.
A Gorgeous Girl Like Me
Stanislas Previne is a young sociologist, preparing a thesis on criminal women. He chooses Camille Bliss as his subject of study and begins to visit her in prison for interviews. Camille became acquainted with trouble at a young age and justifies her actions by "fate-bets." She is currently in prison for allegedly murdering one of her lovers. As she tells Stanislas of her life and love affairs, his interest in her grows to more than just professional. Can he resist her charm?
Dear Louise
Louise lives alone and seems to like it that way. She has been through a divorce and the recent death of her mother. Recently, she has moved to Annecy, a moderate-sized city, to take work as a schoolteacher. She encounters a much younger man, Luigi, an Italian who is down on his luck. Though he moved to France to find work, he was robbed of his money and papers and is stranded. When he helps her bury her dogs, which her neighbour has poisoned for barking, their relationship grows to a new level.
Aventura na Estrada ao Sol
North Africa, December 1942. Valentin, a professional gardener ruined by the bombings of 1940, has fled to Tunis, where he traffics stolen goods, transporting them from Libya to Tunisia on an old boat.
Sublime Renúncia
Max é um detetive de Paris, distante, independente, rico e frustrado por bandos de ladrões a quem ele não consegue pegar. Para restabelecer seu prestígio ele decide induzir um grupo de pequenos ladrões (liderados por um conhecido antigo) a roubar um banco. Um capitão relutante fornece para Max a inteligência e Max começa a passar as noites com Lilly, uma prostituta que é a namorada do líder dos ladrões. Ele se apresenta como um rico banqueiro com dinheiro para queimar e encoraja Lilly a pensar sobre o futuro dela. Ele tagarela sobre uma folha de pagamento que vem através de seu banco. A trama funciona, os pequenos ladrões pensam que estão prontos para um grande golpe, e os policiais estão à postos. O que poderia dar errado com o frio plano de Max? Quem será apanhado?
As Coisas da Vida
Pierre, um engenheiro de sucesso na construção de autoestradas sofre um acidente de trânsito. Estando seriamente ferido, ele está deitado à espera da morte e lembrando seu passado em flashbacks.
As Coisas da Vida
Pierre, um engenheiro de sucesso na construção de autoestradas sofre um acidente de trânsito. Estando seriamente ferido, ele está deitado à espera da morte e lembrando seu passado em flashbacks.
When a cruel man is visited by Saint Francis and convinced to change his ways, his family believes him to be insane and locks him away in order to sell his beloved castle
Le Canard en fer blanc
Anna is working at a parisian advertising agency. The director has fallen in love with a young woman he only knows through a photograph, that of Anna.
Carré de dames pour un as
Hakim Gregory escapes from prison by killing a number of guards, and returns to his hide-out abroad, to lead again his gang of drug trafficking and contract murders. Layton of the Secret Service must discover, and arrest him. The difficult mission almost becomes impossible with the rivalry of Layton's partner, Petula, the jealousy of his bride, Marion, the possible treachery of a Spanish woman, Dolores Arrabal, and yet a mysterious and sexy informant, Rosario... Too many women for Layton.
À belles dents
An orphaned young woman goes to Paris looking for work and love. Working as an au-pair, she is discovered by a fashion photographer and becomes a model. She falls in love with an architect but leaves him to marry a rich man.
The Sultans
Lisa, a fashion photographer, has an affair with a married man. They both know that the relationship forces them to have fun. When he goes through a delicate family situation caused by his daughter's adventure with a much older man, Lisa understands how much she is in love and how little she can expect from him.
Tales of Paris