Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um homem judeu evita ser enviado para um campo de concentração alegando ser persa. Quando um oficial militar alemão pede que fale farsi, ele deve fingir falar o idioma para garantir sua sobrevivência.
Investigator Sergey Shumov has a mystery on his hands. On a platform near a Moscow-Sevastopol train station the police have found a young man without documents and no memory. In near perfect detail, he can recall historical dates, songs of his favorite band, but can't recollect his name or say where he’s from. And frustrating Shumov’s search for answers even further are the young man’s personal belongings that offer not one clue to his identity.
Assistant Sound Editor
An ingenuous film about the eternal, about the meaning of human life on earth. In a word, about what has been said a thousand times and a thousand times retold. The famous hero of Eastern legends, Hodja Nasreddin - a serious joker, thinker and truth-seeker - by the will of the authors became a foster brother and a friend of youth, no less famous, but in everything opposite to him - the tyrant and autocrat Timur Tamerlane.